-lamalamadistributed possessed marker, showing multiple possessed objects distributed among multiple possessorsOqecareitimitilama The father of those ones or their fatherEl Padre de aquellos ò su padre dellos1612 Bap 11.1Nasimitilama. The son-in-law of those onesEl yerno de aquellos.1612 Bap 15.1Aticholo inenafaramitileno namina piqichama Diosima, oyoquana chesinoma, iniheti inynoma, nantaqe; intanana paqesono lehema cananoma nante, yanacu nebelecamanoqere Diosi graciamima, anochicotale sinoleqe ona, anaraha nimichu ine toroqe atichicolo, na yni hemitilenoma nantaqe, anona melabuota inino piqicha ona araminoleta hauemano Diosima, tamalota balemate nihemate iniheti ininomitilama natemanisi bomota Diosi ta molonoma nantela anomelabota inino piqicha, atichico lo nemoquami ofono macantela. the seventh pittance, is being indebted to God, and to not have with which to satisfy nor pay, and generally, and lack of life, and the grace of God is a great pittance for relief, which is the seventh work of compassion, which is to pray God for the living and dead.La septima miseria, es deudor a Dios, y no tener con que satisfazer ni pagar, y y generalmente y falta de la vida, y gracia de Dios, es grande miseria para socorro, de la qual es la septima obra de misericordia, que es rogar a Dios por viuos y difuntos. 1612 Cat 1.1Confidentcf-mitilema

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