独龙语 - 英语 - 汉语



Tangdvmlong /tɑŋ³¹dəm⁵⁵lɔŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 1Tangdam river 丹当河 2Tangdam river valley 丹当河谷
tangmeq /tɑŋ³¹mɛʔ⁵⁵/ n pine knot 松眼;松节 | Used in Chinese medicine. 用于中医.
tangmvr /tɑŋ³¹mər⁵⁵/ n type of pine tree 一种松树
tanla /tɑn³¹lɑ⁵⁵/ adv now 现在 | tanla e wait a second 等一下
tap /tɑp⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 set up; put up (hang, lean, rest) 搭上去 | hrei vya do mvntap neu. Don't put your foot up there. 脚别搭在那儿.
svtap vt 及物动 translate 翻译
tapet /tɑ³¹pɛt⁵⁵/ n crossbow (弩)弓
tapeum /tɑ³¹pɯm⁵⁵/ n arm 胳膊 | ur tapeum
tapit /tɑ³¹pit⁵⁵/ n bamboo wattle (used for walls of a house) 竹篾笆 | tapit kyeum bamboo wattle house 竹蔑房 | (Fourth Township) jima /ʑi³¹mɑ⁵⁵/
taq /tɑʔ³¹/ prt 助词 resultative (cause) 致使(让) | nga gyoq shaq taq oo lung. Someone got my clothing all wet. (某人)把我的衣服弄湿了. | vng mvdvm le ngang taq oo! Get him to come up here. 让他爬了上来. | vng ngeu taq senq. I beat him until he cried. (我)把他打哭了. | Preceding main verb must be volitional, or morphological causative is used. Often has a negative or dissatisfied connotation. 前一个动词只能是自主动词,通常表示负面的结果. | (First Township) hreq /xrɛʔ⁵⁵/
taq /tɑʔ⁵⁵/ n over (abstract); up; upriver 上;上游 | vra koko taq. Go a little over there. 往那边挪一挪. | (First Township) hreq /xrɛʔ⁵⁵/
taq /tɑʔ⁵⁵/ v collect; catch (using household utensils) (用器皿)接(东西) | vng ngang taq di. He's going to collect water. 她去接水了.
taqwa /tɑʔ⁵⁵wɑ³¹/ adv 1with difficulty 终于(好不容易) | taqwa che lon. I found it with great difficulty. 我(终于)好不容易找到了(它). 2reluctantly 勉强地 | vng taqwa che di ka ta. After listening he is willing to go (at last, reluctantly). 他(在我劝说、坚持下/勉强地/终于)愿意去了.
tar /tɑr⁵⁵/ v go past; go across (where an obstacle is) 过得了(障碍) | vngning gya do mvtar sa e. They probably cannot pass here (e.g. because the river carried off a bridge). 他们在这里可能过不去(因为河水把桥冲走了).
tara /tɑ³¹rɑ⁵⁵/ adv same 一样 | tara e
tarcha /tɑr³¹tɕɑ⁵⁵/ n 1Trung loom 织布机(独龙族的) | gya neu vmei tarcha e. This is mother's loom. 这是妈妈的织布机. 2loom warp beam (a bamboo spindle on which the warp is mounted) 经轴;织轴(织布机) | Typically a portable backstrap loom with several wooden rods, tied between the weaver and any secure point. 用背垫条可携带的一个小织布机.
tarcoq /tɑr³¹tsɔʔ⁵⁵/ n ritual banner planted in front of the house during funerals 幡(丧礼)
tashiq /tɑ³¹ɕiʔ⁵⁵/ n crispy rice cracker 锅巴 | (First Township) tasheuq /tɑ³¹ɕɯʔ⁵⁵/
te /tɛ³¹/ post 后置 1agentive 施事格 | vya do prase te kaihui and then the common people held a meeting 然后老百姓开会了 2instrumental 工具格 | First Township. 一乡话.
te /tɛ⁵⁵/ v 1compare | dvgeui te compare to a dog 比做狗 2describe.as 形容
te'ngu /tɛ³¹ŋu⁵³/ n comparison 比喻 | vng te'ngu waq e. He's saying it as a comparison (an example). 他说的是比喻.
tei /təi⁵³/ 1v be big, large, broad | vra pe mei tei? Which one is bigger? 哪个大? | vngpuq tei broad 2vi 不及物动 grow up 长大 | nvteisheu mvnvng sheul shin. Wait until you two grow up, then we'll take you. 等你俩长大了带你俩去. 3adv very | tei gvm very good 很好
svtei vt 及物动 grow large; enlarge 变大;使大
tvtei v , adv very big; extremely; barely 庞大;非常;差一点
tei /təi⁵⁵/ adv 1how 怎么 | gyaq svra tei wa ten? How do you use this thing? 你怎么用这个东西? | tei wa ebe sheu, pvdi ra. Come whatever happens. 无论如何你要来吧. | vtei sheu mvwa sheu not know what's right 不知如何是好 2in this way; thus 这样 | shingwvt tei dvgrang beautiful as a flower 如花似玉 | (First Township) kvrwa /kər⁵⁵wɑ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) vtei /ə³¹tɛi⁵⁵/
teira /təi³¹rɑ⁵⁵/ n 1older brother 哥哥 | teira dvguan two older brothers 两个哥哥 2adult 大人 3older person (as opposed to child) 年长的人(相对小孩) 4official; leader 官职大的人
tembo /tɛm³¹bɔ⁵⁵/ n shirt 衬衫
ten /tɛn⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1hold; grasp; touch 握;拿;触 | gya chuq pvteen rvt. You hold this a bit. 你拿一下这个. 2hold up; support (with the hand) | nagoq pvten Hold the baby. 扶一下娃娃. 3use | vng ngul ten mvsoo. He doesn't know how to use money (he wastes it). 他不会用钱.
svten vt 及物动 grasp 使拿