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Browse Turkmen - English Dictionary



maýa1ma:ýancamelak maýaa white camelAk maýanyň ýolycomp.the Milky Way, the Galaxy
maýa2ma:ýanfund, supply, stock, reservemaýa goýmakto put by; to invest capitalmaýa goýmacapital investment
maýadarma:ýada:rnshareholder, stockholdermaýadarlar jemgyýetijoint-stock company
maýdaadjsmall, little, tinyOnuň özi äpet adam bolsa-da, çagalary maýda bolýär.Even if he is big man himself, his children are small.Meniň ejem maýda çaý içýär.My mother drinks tiny amounts of tea.
maýmynnape, monkeyBiz haýwanat bagynda her dürli maýmynlar gördük.We saw different kinds of monkeys in the zoo.
maýsan1new growth, sproutBahar paslynda maýsalar öwşün atýar.During Spring many sprouts come out.grains, grasses2MaysaMaýsanyň iki gyzy, bir ogly bar.Maysa has two daughters and one son.A woman's name.
maýyl1ma:ýyladjcharmed, fascinatedmaýyl bolmakto be charmed/fascinated
maýyl2adj1warm, mildmaýyl howawarm weatherbu gün howa maýylIt is warm today2pluson gradus maýylplus ten degrees
maýypma:ýypnhandicappedmaýyp adamhandicapped personmaýyp bolmakto be handicapped, become handicappedmaýyp etmekto cripple, cause to become handicapped
maýyp-müjrüpnhandicappedBelki, men maýyp-müjrüp bolaryn, kim bilýär.Perhaps I might become handicapped, who knows.
mazamaza:n1pleasure, enjoymentmaza almakto take pleasure, enjoymaza bermekto give pleasure2mood, spiritmazaň gaçmakto be in low spirits
mazalymaza:lyadv1giving pleasure, something which gives pleasure2quietly, calmly, stillMazaly oturyň!Sit still!Mazaly bol!Behave yourself!3good, satisfactorily, satisfiablemazaly dynç almakto have a good rest4It is good; It is nice; It is pleasantMazaly siz gelip ýetişäýdiňiz.It is good that you managed to come.
mazarmaza:rntomb, graveBiz kakamyzyň mazarynyň daşyna demir goýdurdyk.We were going to put iron on the outside of our father's tomb.Can be a building erected to the memory of someone, and containing their grave. Pilgrims visit it to say their prayers.
mazarlykmaza:rlykcfmazarystanngraveyard, cemetery; mosque-yardBiziň obamyzda çagalar jaýlanýan kiçi mazarlyk bar.There is small cemetery in our village for to bury children.
mazarystanmaza:rysta:ncfmazarlykncemetery, place where there are tombsAdamlar köplenç tomusda mazarystana zyýarat edýärler.People usually make pilgrimages to places where there are tombs during the summer.
mazasyzmaza:syzadjboring, uninteresting, tedious, dullBu kino örän mazasyz eken.This cinema was very uninteresting.
mazmunmazmu:nn1plot, subject matter, themeromanyň mazmunyplot of a novelzamanyň mazmunythe theme of a an epoch2table of contentsKitabyň mazmunynyň ýanynda sahypalar hem görkezilmeli.The pages of the book must be included next to the table of contents.
meinterjhere; here you are; here, take itme, saňa kitaphere, a book for you
mebel'mebelnfurnitureмебельmebel dükanyfurniture shopmebellifurnished, with furnituremebelsizunfurnished, without furniture
medenimedeni:adjculturalmedeni merkezcultural centre
medeniýetnculturemedeniýet öýicultural centre
medeniýetliadvculturally, in a civilized mannermedeniýetli dynç almakto have a good rest
medetadjhelp, assistance, aid, supportmedet bermekto help, render assistanceAlla medet bersin!May God help you!
medisinamedi'sinacflukmançylykwraçlyknmedicineмедицинаTürkmenler köp ot-çöpi medisinada ulanýarlar.Turkmens use a lot of herbs in medicine.orta medisina işgäricomp.paramedic
medresenmedrassaTürkmenistanda meşhur medreseler bolupdyr.There were famous medrassas in Turkmenistan. A medrassa is a Muslim college for religious instruction

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