Browse Turkmen – English Dictionary



dönükdö:nükntraitor, betrayerwatan dönügienemy of the stateSen beren wadaňy unutdyň, sen dönük.You forgot your promise, you traitor.Uruşda dönükleri atýardylar.Traitors were shot in the war.
dönüklikdö:nüklikntreason, treachery, faithlessness, betrayaldönüklik etmekto betray, be falseDostuňa dönüklik etmek öz namysyňy basgylamakdyr.To betray to your friend means to humiliate yourself.Ol watanyna dönüklik etdi.He betrayed his country.watana dönüklikhigh treason
dördünjiordfourthdördünji güncomp.Thursday
dörediji1ncreator, founder, originatorOl mukam dörediji kompozitor.He is a composer.
Baletmeýster tans dörediji.The ballet master is the creator of dance.Kemine satiriki goşgularyň döredijisidi.Kemine is the creator of [many] satirical poems.
2adjproducing, creatingkesel dörediji mikroblarmicrobes that produce sicknessgerm-carrying microbes;Olaryň kesel dörediji mikroorganizmleri ýok etmek ukyby bellärliklidir.Their ability to destroy germ-carrying micro-organisms is remarkable.
döredijilikncreative work, creativity, culture
döredilmekvto be created
döremekvto arise, form, come into beingBiziň gözümiziň öňünde täze şäher döredi.A new city is being created before our eyes.Kiçijik odun çöpden uly ýangyn döredi.From a small stick a big fire is created.Mende bir pikir döredi.A new idea came to me.
döretmekv1to make, craft; institute (bring into being), engendermaňa garşy döretdilerthey stirred up a rebellion against meModelýer täze modelleri döretdi.The fashion designer created new patterns.Bu owadan tebigaty kim döretdikä?Who created this beautiful scenery in nature, one wonders?2to innovateSiziň Türkmenistanyň durmuş-ykdysady, innowasion tehnologiýalar babatynda sazlaşykly ösýän kuwwatly döwletleriň hataryna ynamly goşulmaga ýardam berýän ynsanperwer syýasatyň yza laýyklykda, ylmyň we tehnikanyň öňdebaryjy gazananlarynyň, iň gowy dünýä tejribeleriniň önümçilige ornaşdyrylýandygy, innowasiýalaryň, maglumat tehnologiýalarynyň özleşdirilýändigi bizde uly gyzyklanma döretdi.In accordance with the humanitarian policy of Turkmenistan, which helps to confidently join the ranks of the developing countries in the field of socio-economic, innovative technologies, we believe that the advanced achievements of science and technology, the best world practices are being put into production, we are developing and innovating.
döretmetlikncreation, establishment
dörtdö:rtnumfourDört aýakly haýwanlar biziň ýakyn dostlarymyzdyr.Four legged animals are our close friends.iki gözüň dört marryDurmuş toýuň bilen gutlaýarys, iki gözüň dört bolupdyr.We congratulate you on your wedding, your two eyes became four.male
dörtburçlukdö:rtburçluknsquare, quadranglegöni burçly dörtburçlukrectangularmathematics
dörtlükdö:rtlüknuma fourdörtlük sanfourdörtlük bahafour, good (i.e. a grade: four out of five)dörtlük galoş
döşdö:şnchest, breastdöşüne basmakto embracedöş gapyrgalaryribsMal soýulanda birinji bilen bagyr-öýken bilen döş gapyrgalary bişirilýär.When an animal is slaughtered, the liver, lungs and ribs are cooked first.Syrkawyň döş-kletkasyny rentgen suratyna düşürdiler.They carried out a chest X-ray of the patient.döşüňe orden dakmakto pin a medal on your chest.döş germekto puff out the chest Döş gerip uly geplemekden başga Batyryň işi ýok.Batyr did nothing but puff out his chest and boast.döşüňe urmakph. v.boast by beating your chestDöşüne urup men-menleýän işi başarmaýandyr.He who boasts by beating his chest cannot do anything.
döw1ngame, match, setbir döw küşt oýnamakto play one setBirinji döw deňme-deň tamamlandy.The first game finished all square.döwüň sürmekph. v.vto do well, winJoram bilen bir el küşt oýnamda döwüm sürdi.I did well when I played chess with my friend.Soňky döwürde Wepaň döwi sürýär.Recently Wepa has done well.
döw21ngiant, ogre, demon, monster, titanGadym zaman bir döw bar ekeni.Once upon a time there was a giant.Oýunda men döwiň rolyny oýnadym.I played the role of a giant on the stage.döw ýalyhuge, enormousDöw ýaly äpet adamy gördüm.I saw a huge giant of a man.Meniň doganym işlände döw ýaly işleýär, ýadanynam bilenok.My brother works like a titan but he is not tired.2geniedöw çalmakph. v.for someone to go round the bend, act crazySaňa näme döw çaldy?Why are you acting so crazy?
döweknthreshingdöwek wagtyharvest timedöwek döwmekto threshdöwek döwýän guralthreshing sledge
döwlet1n1wealth, property, assetsOl size döwlet arzuw edýär.He wishes you well.Ýagşy niýet, ýarym döwlet.Good intentions make up half of the wealth.prov2luck, fortunedöwlet guşybird of fortune, Lady LuckMeniň başyma döwlet guşy gondy, men bagtly.Lady Luck has smiled on me, I’m happy.
döwlet2nstate, governmentTürkmenistan döwletiThe state of Turkmenistan.Döwlet serhetlerini biz berk goramaly.We must protect the state border.Halk agzybir bolsa döwlet berk bolýar.If the people are peaceful, the state will be stable.Uly döwlet gurmak üçin akylly baştutan gerek.To build a big nation, a wise leader is needed.döwlet howpsuzlygystate security
döwletaradöwleta:raadjintergovernmentalÝylyň başynda uly döwletara gepleşikleri geçdi.At the beginning of the year there were intergovernmental negotiations.Döwletara gatnaşyklarymyzy berkitmeli we ýokary derejede saklamaly.We must develop intergovernmental relations and make it a high priority.
döwletliadjrich, well-to-do, well-off, prosperousdöwletli adamwell-to-do man, man of substance/propertyIşleseň, gazansaň döwletli maşgala gurarsyň.If you work and earn, you will build a prosperous family.Alan geliniňiziň aýagy düşsin, döwletlisi bolsun!Let your bride be rich and bring luck to the home.
döwmek1vto break, smashşahany egip döwmekto break a branch by bending çüýşäni döwmekto break a glass buzda taýyp, eliňi döwmekto break your hand while skating on the ice.Ýygnakda ony berk döwdüler.At the meeting they broke him completely.2vto break down, stop workingmaşyny döwmekfor a car to break downtelefony döwmekfor a telephone to stop working3vbreak, tear4vcrush, grind5break, fracture
döwrandöwra:nnmerriment, mirth, gaietydöwran sürmekto have a fun time, enjoy ourselves
döwrebapdöwreba:padjmoderndöwrebap binamodern buildingdöwrebap ýaşamakto have a modern lifestyle Ýaşlar garry adamlara görä döwrebap ýaşaýarlar.Young people have a more modern lifestyle than older people.Döwrebap döredilen eserleri okaňda şol döwürde bolan kynçylyklara düşünýärsiň.When you read modern books, you understand the difficulties of earlier times.Arhitekturanyň nusgasyny öňki döwürden alyp döwrebap nyşanlary bilen bina dikeltdiler.They copied the architecture of an ancient building, and built a building, decorated it with modern symbols.