dökmekv1to pour, pour away, pour outüstüňe çaý dökmekto pour tea over someone 2fill up, stack upDükanlara dürli haryt döküpdirler.The shops were filled with different kinds of goods.Daýhanlar bazara dürli gök önümleri döküpdirler.The farmers filled the market with all sorts of vegetables.3to empty, get rid of, dump, strew, scatterSülçi içerini dökdi.The investigator got rid of the house.Bar içerini dökdüm, ýöne gapjygymy tapmadym.I emptied out the entire contents but didn't find my purse.Ogry aýnadan girip, öýi döküpdir.The thief entered through the window, and removed the contents of the house.Galan nahary dökme, itimize bereris.Don't throw away the leftovers, we'll give it to our dog.ýola çäge dökmekscatter sand on the road Gyşyna maşynlar taýmaz ýaly ýola duz dökýärler.They scatter salt on the road in winter to stop the cars skidding.mallara ot dökmekto scatter hay for the animals4to spill, secrete, shedBu bedre suw dökýär.This bucket is spilling.Watan üçin gan dökmekto shed blood for one's home country Ikinji jahan uruşda köp adam Watan üçin ganyny dökdi.Many people shed blood for the home country during the second world war.Der döküp gazananyň halal gazançdyr.Sweating and earning is pure profit.To earn by working hard is honest gain.Gyzymyň pişijegi ýitende gözýaş döküp oturdy.When my daughter lost her cat, she shed many tears.Çelek deşilip, indi suw dökýär.The bucket was slit and now it is spilling water.Ejeme içimi döküp, bar syrymy aýdyp berdim.I poured out my heart to my mother and told her all my secrets.Üstüne gyzgyn çaý döküp aýagyny bişiripdir.He spilled hot tea over himself and burned his foot.abraýyňy dökmekph. v.to lose prestigeAbraýyňy dökmek aňsat, ýöne dikeltmek kyn.To lose prestige is easy, to build it up is difficult.

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