uçurmakv1to launchRaketany uçurmak üçin ony startda goýup, onlukdan aşaklygyna sanap başladylar.To launch the rocket it was installed on the launch pad and the countdown from ten started.Batbörek uçurmak.To fly a kite.2to release (birds)Seýil bagynda ýaş juwanlar kepderi uçurdylar.The newly married couple released a pigeon in the park.3to swing someone, to push someone on the swings, to rock someoneMekan bizi Gurbanlykda hiňňilikde uçurdy.Mekan pushed us on the swings during the Sacrifice Festival. Gülşat, Şemşady ýatyrmak üçin sallançakda üwredi.Gulshat put Shemshat in the cradle to rock her to sleep.4to let someone have a rideÇagalary seýil bagyň atraksionynda uçurmak üçin pul töledim.I have paid for a ride in the park for children.5to chip, make fly offGorkyma elimdäki çäýnegi gaçyryp onuň gulpuny uçurdym.In my fear I dropped the teapot and the handle flew off.Çüýşaň gapagyny batly açamda, agzyny uçurdym.I broke off a bottle neck while being too forceful in removing the cap.Agaç ussa oňaryp oturan dutaryndan agaç ýonuşgalaryny uçurmajak bolup, usullyk bilen işleýärdi.While making a dutar the carpenter worked carefully in order not to spread wood chips around.Syrçaly bedräni gaçyryp, syrçasyny uçurdym.A piece of enamel chipped off the bucket when I dropped it.başyňdan huşuny uçurmakph. v.to have one's head in the clouds, for one's head to begin to spinOl gyzy görenimde, başymdan huşum uçdy.When I saw that girl my head began to spin.söz uçurmakph. v.to fly off the handle, to speak without thinkingDiliňden oýlanman erbet söz uçurmak gelşiksiz bolar.Not thinking what you say and flying off the handle shows a lack of good upbringing.

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