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Akawaio-English Dictionary



t- var. of tʉ-
ta (cf: te) vt speak, say something "Utɨnpai," taꞌpʉ iya upɨꞌ.. "Let's go," he said to me.
taꞌ postp 1in Soꞌsi taꞌ toꞌ utɨꞌpʉ. They went in the church. sclr prop: taꞌ 1, tau, tapai . 2into 3at
taanꞌpʉ var. of tamoꞌpʉ
tai interj yes, uh-huh, affirmation by the hearer, used while listening to someone else talk
taiꞌkwa vi burn with pepper Itenna taiꞌkwaꞌpʉ. He burned his mouth with pepper.
taiꞌtaiꞌ n (non-possessed) a variety of long, black ant that stings
taitaima vt type Ɨnʉꞌ uya rɨ soꞌsi konsʉrʉʉi ton usauroꞌsaꞌ taitaimakaꞌtoꞌ rɨ. Someone should type the minutes of the Church Council meeting.
takaiꞌka n (non-possessed) a variety of kingfisher bird Alcede torquata
Takaiꞌka pai nprop the name given to a large rock at the Kako/Jawalla district line
takapiya n (non-possessed) a variety of palm tree from which thatch material is taken; similar to a blow pipe tree frond, making good-quality upper thatching
takataka nom shaky Takataka pe imariyarʉ epu esi. His knife's handle is shaky
takauka var. of tʉkʉuka
takautakauma vt shake someone in a hammock Mʉre amʉꞌ takautakaumaꞌpʉ iya iteꞌkweꞌ tau. He shook the children in his hammock.
takiꞌka vt mash Mɨrɨpan yau yʉi karakwasaꞌ ke iꞌpai takiꞌkaꞌpʉ iya. And then he mashed his head with a broken off stick.
taꞌkɨpi n a variety of small bird with green head, orange and yellow back, turquoise and purple markings on breast and wings
taꞌkɨpiya n (non-possessed) a variety of bird, similar to the blue saki, with a short chirp of a call
takuruꞌ n (non-possessed) illness Takuruꞌ ke kɨiꞌ esi. The old man is sick / with an illness. opp: atuꞌ 1 .
takuruꞌkenan (der.) nom sick one
takuruꞌkenan (der. of takuruꞌ) nom someone who is sick or ill
takuruꞌ n (non-possessed) illness Takuruꞌ ke kɨiꞌ esi. The old man is sick / with an illness. opp: atuꞌ 1 .
takuruꞌkenan (der.) nom sick one
takurupa var. of tapuruka
Taꞌkʉrau nprop the name given to a creek off the Upper Mazaruni River, near Ku'mʉrasi, above Jawalla village by about 40 minutes
tamɨ adv very Wakʉ pe man tamɨ. It's very good.
tamo (poss: atamo) (cf: umʉi) n 1father-in-law, indirect address 2uncle, one's mother's brother; one whose children are of marriagable status to the speaker, indirect address 3sir, a term of respect for the older age of the hearer over the speaker
tamokori (poss: atamokori) n grandfather, indirect address dir add: Papa 2 .

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