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Akawaio-English Dictionary



kaꞌpoꞌti n yarn
kaꞌpu n heap, pile wɨꞌsɨꞌ kaꞌpu a heap of sand
kapuruꞌ n 1(non-possessed) mist, fog 2cloud
kaꞌpurukoꞌ n (non-possessed) a variety of biting ant
kapuya n a variety of thick bush rope
kapʉ vt 1plait, braid Eta kapʉꞌpʉ uya. I plaited leaves (for building a house). Iꞌpai kapʉꞌpʉ uya. I plaited her hair. 2weave, as in a basket or waricha Wariꞌsa kapʉ uya. I am weaving a backpack. 3build, as in a wasp building his nest Ten kapʉ iya. He is building his own nest.
kapʉi (poss: akapuui) n 1moon 2month
kapʉi enkumaꞌpʉ n (non-possessed) a variety of vine, also called bush rope, monkey ladder vine, etc. Bauhinia sp.
kapʉimʉntʉkʉ n mole
kapʉiya n a variety of pattern used in weaving
kaꞌpʉrakon n (non-possessed) horizon
kapʉreꞌtɨ vt steam-dry, as in holding one's clothes over a fire Apoꞌ uya upon kapʉreꞌtɨtanʉꞌsaꞌ. The fire steam-dried my clothes.
kara 1vt rip, tear Mɨrɨpan kon uya Paul pon karapɨtʉꞌpʉ. And then they tore Paul's clothes. 2nom sour; strong, as in the flavour of kaziri after a longer period of waiting Kara pe kasiri esi. The kaziri is strong.
kara (poss: akara) n 1vein 2muscle 3a tree root yʉi kara tree root syn: miꞌ .
karaꞌ n a variety of small fish
Kara urin nprop the name given to a creek off the Upper Mazaruni River, up-river from Inbaimadai, leading to Maipuri Falls, Tʉramen
karaiꞌ vi give a warning, like the karai grasshopper
karai n a variety of grasshopper
karaikarai n (non-possessed) a variety of parrot
karaiꞌman n a variety of biting bee; ole
karaipɨ n cracked skin, particularly on the heels
karaitaꞌ n bake made from corn meal
Karaiwa nprop the name given to people from Brazil, those people who speak Portuguese
karaka vt tear, rip
ekaraka (der.) vr ripped
karakara n a variety of white mushroom

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