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Akawaio-English Dictionary



waꞌ (poss: ɨweꞌ) (cf: waꞌseꞌma) n excreta paka weꞌ cow excreta
waꞌ euta large intestine, including the anus, or "feces hole"
Wa paru nprop the name given to a creek along the path between Pipiri pai and Amoko kupai
waꞌ yen toilet, outhouse or hole for depositing human waste
waainkurai n Adam's apple
waamori var. of wayamori
wai n 1ite palm tree 2the fruit of the ite palm tree
wai n 1throat syn: esen . 2trachea; the windpipe, including the voice box
wai (poss: awaai) (cf: pɨpu 2; cf: rikarika) n a musical instrument important to the Alleluia tradition
wai (poss: awaai) n 1container or any object designed to hold liquid 2calabash
waika n 1(non-possessed) coast 2a place of a relatively middle distance away from one
Waikaꞌ var. of Waika
Waika (var: Waikaꞌ) nprop the name given to a place near Kuru'pun Waikaꞌ taꞌ utɨ serɨ. I'm going to Waika'.
waikanaimɨ n a variety of giant deer
waikaraꞌpɨ (poss: awaikaraꞌpɨɨi) n 1a woven basket or quake 2the pattern of weaving used to make a basket or quake
Waikaꞌta nprop the name given to a settlement
waiken n a variety of reindeer, savannah deer Cariacus savannarum
waiku (poss: awaikuru) n traditional red cloth worn around the waist by men and older boys syn: kamiꞌsa, saro, kareku .
waimaꞌsa n a variety of plant - What kind?
waimaꞌsa n (non-possessed) a variety of lizard Lacertilia
waime n (non-possessed) millipede
waipa n (non-possessed) a type of round house with thatched roof, indigenous to the Akawayo, usually with one central post syn: tukusipan ; cf: inpɨ 1 .
waira n bush cow syn: kuꞌyunkuꞌyun, kaꞌtaipa, maipuri .
wairaꞌ n penis syn: yun .
Waira Peyakʉrʉ rʉꞌpʉ nprop the name given to a landing along the Upper Mazaruni River, above Imbaimadai, meaning 'bush cow landing'

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