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Akawaio-English Dictionary



aꞌkwarʉꞌtɨ (var: akaruꞌtɨ) vt fill (der.: utakaruꞌtɨ)
aꞌkweta var. of aꞌweta
ama vt move Amakɨ. Move it. Aponoꞌ amaꞌpʉ uya. I moved the bench.
utama (der.) vr move
ama (poss: ayamaai) n hammer
amaꞌ (poss: ayamato) nom thief Amaꞌ pe warawoꞌ esiꞌpʉ. The boy was as a thief (he was secretive/thief-like).
Ama nprop the name given to a creek on the Upper Mazaruni, topside from Jawalla on the left.
Ama Arepu nprop the name given to a place along the Upper Mazaruni River (but where?)
amai (cf: aꞌai, noꞌnoꞌ, koꞌkoi, waꞌwa) n 1grandmother, direct reference (?) syn: koꞌkoi . 2mother, direct address
amaꞌma vt steal, take something belonging to someone else
amamʉ vi be or become wet
aꞌmamʉ vi swell up, as an abcess Tanporo ipun aꞌmanpɨtʉꞌpʉ ipikaꞌtɨnin pʉra rɨ. All his abcesses swelled up (so they were) no help (to him).
aman n boa constrictor Constrictor constrictor
amanawʉ n a type of music
amanka vt soak Oꞌ kanpʉ amankaꞌpʉ uya. I soaked the dried meat. opp: aꞌmunaka ; syn: iꞌkurinsaꞌ 1 .
amaꞌnon (poss: ayamaꞌnomʉ) nom 1something or someone beautiful; a nice, young woman Amaꞌnon pe iyesi. She is beautiful. 2someone or something pretty
aꞌmansaꞌ n abscess
amara n stick with forked end, used to pick fruit
amariwaꞌ n 1a variety of snake 2a folkloric snake
amariwakʉꞌpan nom 1an evil spirit Sises uya kaꞌpon amʉꞌ epiꞌtɨpɨtʉꞌpʉ paran pokon kon, mɨrɨ awonsiꞌkɨ amariwakʉꞌpaꞌnan nɨ. Jesus was healing many people of their diseases and evil spirits. 2someone having seizures or fits, someone suffering from the bite of an amariwa' snake
aꞌmerumɨ vi make a sound, like rain in the distance as it approaches Tuna aꞌmerumɨ. The rain is sounding.
amiꞌka vt lick, especially to lick one's lips Teꞌpi amiꞌkaꞌpʉ iya. He licked his lips.
aꞌminta vi 1be or become heated Turare ewan si aꞌminta eꞌsaraꞌtɨꞌpʉ. Turare began to feel hot in his belly. ewan aꞌminta heartburn, or a hot belly 2reheat, as in warming up leftover food for the next meal
aꞌmintanʉkʉ vt 1heat, make something hot Tʉꞌma aꞌmintanʉkʉꞌpʉ iya. She heated her own tuma. 2arouse violence in someone by one's talk
aꞌmiꞌpɨ (poss: ayaꞌmiꞌpɨ) 1nom the smallest one of a group opp: epoto ; whole: miyaꞌ ; syn: miyaꞌ aꞌmiꞌpɨ . 2nom last child born in a family 3n last in a line of brothers and/or sisters 4n baby toe 5n baby finger emiya aꞌmiꞌpɨ smallest finger; pinky
amiso n a variety of soup (tuma) made with cassava leaves (eki are)

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