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Akawaio-English Dictionary



useta n sound Main useta tʉpo, toꞌ uya Sises eneꞌpʉ tikin sarɨ. After the word's sound was heard, they saw Jesus alone.
usetaꞌka (var usetakʉ) (der. of etaꞌka) vi 1) be or become physically tired 2) be or become weary or tired Usetaꞌkaꞌpʉ. I was disgusted.
etaꞌka vt 1tire of doing something Kɨsetaꞌkatʉu wakʉ kupʉ pɨꞌ. Do not tire of doing good. 2cause someone to be disgusted with something Etaꞌkaꞌpʉ toꞌ uya. They disgusted him (with their behavior).
usetaꞌka (der.) (var usetakʉ) vi 1tired 2tired
usetakʉ var. of usetaꞌka
usetanʉkʉ (der. of etanʉkʉ) vr be or become ill by eating something forbidden Isetanʉkʉꞌpʉ. He became ill by eating something forbidden.
etanʉkʉ vt cause someone to become ill by making them eat forbidden food Mʉre etanʉkʉꞌpʉ toꞌ uya. They made the child eat forbidden food (so he would become ill).
usetanʉkʉ (der.) vr ill
usetuma vr twitch syn: eꞌkɨtɨꞌkɨtɨꞌma .
useuranka vr be or become baptised syn: usenpataukwa 2 .
usewankama vi worry Toꞌ usewankama. They worry.
usewankonoꞌma vi 1be or become worried, troubled 2be or become offended
usewaꞌnoman n (non-possessed) battle
usewansiriukwa vi 1be or become shocked or dismayed 2be or become dizzy
usewansiukwa vi be or become amazed or surprised Mɨrɨ aꞌtai toꞌ usewansiukwaꞌpʉ meruntɨ pe isauroko pɨꞌ. At that time, they were amazed with his strong speech.
usewaꞌtɨ (der. of ewaꞌtɨ) vi 1) be or become tied up, usually referring to tying up one's hammock Mɨrɨpan usewaꞌtɨꞌpʉ sunwa tʉiwʉꞌ tepose. She tied up (her hammock) far from her house. 2) build, especially the tying involved in building a traditional trash roof house Tʉron kon iwʉꞌ ɨusewaꞌtɨsaꞌ. You built other's house. syn: amɨ.
ewaꞌtɨ vt 1string 2tie up Uwariꞌsarɨ ewaꞌtɨsaꞌ uya. I tied up my warishi.
usewaꞌtɨ (der.) vi 1tied up 2build
usiꞌka (der. of iꞌka) vr be or become itchy
iꞌka vt 1bite Waamori uya iꞌkaꞌpʉ. The turtle bit him. 2sting Arai iꞌkasaꞌ uya. A spider bit me. 3scratch; make itch Uyiꞌkapɨtʉꞌpʉ iya. It scratched me
usiꞌka (der.) vr itchy
usiꞌkiꞌma (der. of iꞌkiꞌma) vr be or become shaken
iꞌkiꞌma vt shake tʉrʉꞌpʉnʉ amʉꞌ uya toꞌ iꞌkiꞌmaꞌpʉ. many earthquakes shook them.
usiꞌkiꞌma (der.) vr shaken
usiꞌkɨrɨpɨtʉ vr be or become cramped
usiꞌkura (der. of iꞌkura) vr paddle Ina uyeeꞌkaaꞌpʉ tʉusiꞌkuraiꞌ. We came again, paddling.
iꞌkura vt paddle a canoe Ina uyeeꞌkaaꞌpʉ tʉsiꞌkʉraiꞌ, naire ke, ɨnnɨ rɨ. We came paddling, with paddles, a long way.
usiꞌkura (der.) vr paddle
usiꞌminamʉ vi play
usiꞌnʉꞌ var. of usiꞌnʉkʉ
usiꞌnʉkʉ (var: usiꞌnʉpʉ; var: usiꞌnʉꞌ) vi shake with fright Ipan pe rɨ usiꞌnʉkʉꞌpʉ. They shook badly (with fright).

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