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Usariwara nprop the name of the village located at the mouth of the Kukui River; Jawalla; a specific place near the mouth of the Parupa creek, near the Kukui mouth, for which the village is named
Usariwara pai nprop the original pronunciation of the area around Kukui mouth, named for the bay (pai) on the Kukui River near its mouth; the name given to the area behind present-day Jawalla village, Kukui mouth
usarɨ (der. of arɨ) vi walk Isarɨꞌpʉ. He walked. Tʉusasen nɨ. He is a walker.
arɨ vt carry Se akɨ. Carry this. Anapai. I want to carry it.
usarɨ (der.) vi walk
usauroꞌ var. of usauroko
usauroko (var usaurokʉ; var usauroꞌ) (der. of auroko) vr speak Usaurokoꞌpʉ. I spoke. Ansauroꞌpai. I want to speak.
auroko (var: aurokʉ) vt speak to someone Kamoro warawoꞌ amʉꞌ aurokoꞌpʉ uya. I spoke with those boys.
usauroko (der.) (var usaurokʉ; var usauroꞌ) vr speak
usaurokʉ var. of usauroko
useeꞌkwa (der. of eeꞌkwa) vr leak of its own accord Ɨutɨ useeꞌkwa. The house (roof) leaks. cf: utamuku.
eeꞌkwa vi leak out of something for which the fluid should stay in Tuna eeꞌkwaꞌpʉ calabash poi. The water leaked out from the calabash.
useeꞌkwa (der.) vr leak
useka vr be or become served tʉron nɨ pɨꞌ eꞌnɨ aꞌtai usekan nɨ pɨꞌ rɨ (in order) for us to be serving others
usekama (der. of ekama) 1) vi confess 2) vr tell about oneself
ekama vt 1tell 2preach Itekareei ekamapɨtʉꞌpʉ iya. He used to preach. 3prophesy 4read Betty uya kareta menu ekamaꞌpʉ. Betty read a book. syn: ene 2 . 5show Asanta ekama iya mɨrɨ, itenaꞌ rɨ ekama iya. He will show him the path.
usekama (der.) 1vi confess 2vr tell
usekamaꞌpo (der. of ekamaꞌpo) vr be asked questions Mɨrɨpan arɨꞌpʉ toꞌ uya usekamaꞌpo pɨꞌ nɨtoꞌ iwʉꞌ piyapai. And they took him from the house of questioning/courthouse.
ekamaꞌpo (var: ekaamꞌpo; var: ekaaꞌpo) vt ask, request Toꞌ ekamaꞌpoꞌpʉ uya. I asked them (a question). syn: enna .
usekamaꞌpo (der.) vr asked
usekamʉ vr share among each other Amʉreꞌ pe pʉra toꞌ usekamʉꞌpʉ. Without selfishness they shared among each other.
usekareꞌtɨ (der. of ekareꞌtɨ) vr blow a horn Isekareꞌtɨꞌpʉ. He blew a horn.
ekareꞌtɨ vt 1blow on an instrument or horn, to make a noise 2tell, announce Toꞌ utɨꞌpʉ pata pona ekareꞌtɨseꞌna. The went to the place to tell (what happened).
usekareꞌtɨ (der.) vr blow
useketa vr be or become withered
useketuꞌka vr tired
useꞌkwaꞌtɨ (der. of eꞌkwaꞌtɨ) vr echoed
eꞌkwaꞌtɨ vt echo Marari eꞌkwaꞌtɨsaꞌ. the rapids echoed (off the cliffs).
useꞌkwaꞌtɨ (der.) vr echoed
useꞌma (der. of eꞌma) 1) vr take revenge Toꞌ useꞌmaꞌpʉ. They took revenge. 2) vi sacrifice Iseꞌmaꞌpʉ. He made a sacrifice. useꞌman tʉrawasomanin priest (one who works with sacrifices)
eꞌma vt pay for; buy; purchase Ɨꞌrɨ meꞌmai? What did you pay for?/What did you buy? kiyari eꞌmapɨꞌseꞌ buying food; a fund-raiser syn: anʉmʉ 4, enna .
useꞌma (der.) 1vr revenge 2vi sacrifice
usema vi prolific, having many babies in short succession