Akawaio-English Dictionary



wataꞌpʉ (cf: pataꞌpʉ)
waꞌtautɨ n (non-possessed) a variety of snake-eating bird
watoꞌ n flint syn: kako .
waꞌtuwa n (non-possessed) a variety of tree that is used for wood, not a hard wood
watʉrʉiꞌtɨ vt put a wall around something
waꞌwa (cf: amai, aꞌai, noꞌnoꞌ, koꞌkoi) n aunt, in particular, one's mother's sister or one's father's brother's wife, direct reference indir add: san 2 .
wawin n a variety of duck
wayaima vt wave Ɨyemiya wayaimakɨ. Wave your hand.
wayaka n (non-possessed) the mythological tree from which all plant seeds came Wayaka yeꞌ nakaꞌpʉ toꞌ uya. They cut down the wayaga tree.
wayakana n iguana Iguana iguana
wayamaꞌ akʉ n (non-possessed) a variety of locust, often found on blood wood trees
Wayamoꞌre nprop the name given to a famous Akawayo warrior
wayamori (var: waamori) n (non-possessed) a variety of land turtle Geochelone denticulata
wayapaimɨ n tuberculosis
wayapiro n 1a variety of vine that grows in the bush, used to weave opa and wari'sa 2a variety of bush 3rope made from same 4a variety of palm tree Desmoncus
wayara n (non-possessed) a variety of macaw Ara macas
Wayara yen nprop the name given to a village along the Apau River
Wayarare nprop Wayarare, a mythological figure, married to Sirikɨwai
wayaura n 1(non-possessed) a variety of bird with a number of different songs 2a variety of vine that grows on the savannah
weineꞌ (poss: ɨweinepu) n baby sling
weiꞌtɨ vt shine on something Kaatʉ winɨpaino aꞌkwa uya toꞌ weiꞌtɨꞌpʉ. light from God shone on them.
eꞌweiꞌtɨ (der.) vi shine
wekupi (poss: ɨwekupiri) n 1a variety of tree from which wall bark is taken, the paromali tree 2wall made from tree of same name
Wekupi pai nprop the name given to a turn in Sawa creek on which the John family farm is located
wekupiriꞌtɨ vt put up traditional walling made from the bark of a certain tree
wemaimupa var. of maimupa