Asi - English



turete [turéte] n Young horse, donkey, cow, buffalo, calf, foal, colt. Kag tureteng baka ninra ay abang utoy. Their young cow has plenty of ticks. syn: pito.
turi [turî] v To point out, to; to teach. Si Max kag nagturo sa pulis kung riin nagtago tong mga mananakaw. Max was the one who pointed out to the policeman where the thieves were hiding.
turing [túring] vt To be considered; counted as. turing Pay ako nimo ay ingtuturing nak hali. You are considering me like a sister. syn: kabig, ari 2.
turnilyo [turnílyo] n Screw (sem. domains: 6.7.6 - Holding tool.)
turo [túro] n 1Male hoofed animal (as of the general term e.g. male cattle or carabao, bull; male goat, billygoat; male sheep, ram). turo (sem. domains: - Sheep, - Cattle, 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, - Hoofed animals, - Goat, - Beast of burden.) 2 3 4 comp. turong kambing
turok [turók] 1vi To pierce or sink deeply into something (words, into one’s heart, mind or something into the ground). Tanan nak ida gingbibisaya ay nagtuturok sa ako puso. Everything he’s saying cuts deeply in my heart. Indi magturok sa raga katong tagrokon dahil sa katugas. The pole won’t sink into the ground because it’s hard. 2vbt To stick or pierce something with something sharp or pointed. turok Iturok nimo kinang tinayuman nak kwadan hina sa rayaag. Stick the pointed bamboo there in the yard.
turon [turón] n Baked foods with banana filling (as of banana wrapped in rice flour wrappers or stuffed in cassava and dipped in brown sugar syrup). turon (sem. domains: - Prepared food.)
turong kambing [túrong kámbing] (comp. of turo, kambing) n Billygoat (as of a male goat). barákong kambíng (sem. domains: 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, - Hoofed animals, - Goat.)
turos [turós] vt To crush lice. tirís Aturusan nako kaling papel it kuto. I’ll use this paper to crush the lice on.
turpe [túrpe] adj Stupid. tarantado, torpe
turpi [túrpi] n Idiot (short, abrupt pronunciation when angry)! Silly thing! Silly! You should have known that (affectionate put down, response)! (sem. domains: - Mock.)
turse [túrse] n Abaca. abaká
turta [túrta] 1n An omelette. 2vbt To make an omelette. turta Ako aturtahan kaling kawa it itlog. I will use this pan in making omelette.
turtilya [turtílya] 1adj Scrambled eggs. 2vt To scramble eggs. tortilya Nagturtilya sida it itlog. She scrambled the eggs.
tusay [túsay] v To tumble together; to wrestle as of two or more people. nagpangbuno Ingtusay si Badlong it aswang tong gab-e’y sida magpauli. Badlong wrestled against a witch when he went home late in the night. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight.)
tusay-tusayan [tusáy-tusayán] v To tumble back-and-forth together; to wrestle continuously as of two or more people. bunó (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight.)
tusik [tusík] v To peck; two roosters fighting; to peck hard (as of a bird when clucky or angry; of roosters fighting). To nibble as of a fish, chickens. tinuka (sem. domains: - Animal eating.)
tusla [túsla] 1n Dead. 2vi To die. namatay Natusla sida dahil inatake sida sa puso. He died because of a heart attack. syn: matay, hobyas 1.
tuslak [túslak] v To die (colloquial). (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die.)
tuslok [túslok] 1sta To be accidently pierced with a sharp object. Nag‘tetanus’ sida it kag natuslok ka ida yuba it kawadan. He got tetanus when his mouth was pierced with the bamboo. 2vt To pierce something or somebody with a sharp object. tusok Aya gipangtuslok it tinidor sa imo manghor! Don’t pierce your younger sibling with that fork! Ingtuslok nida ka sab-a agor maayaman kung nayutoey. She pierced the cooking bananas to see if they were done.
tuso [túso] 11.1adj Clever; shrewd; cunning. Kung matuso si Amo ay mas matuso si Bao. If the monkey is clever, the turtle is more clever. 22.1v To cheat. Atusuhon pa nimo sida ay abang guyangey gani. You will still cheat her when she’s already too old. syn: ihig, rada 1.
tusok [tusók] v To have ears pierced. butas Ingtusukaney kag ida anak nak kabadi bag-o iluwas sa hospital. Her child which is a girl had her ears pierced before it was taken out of the hospital. (sem. domains: - Ear.)
tuson [tus-ón] v To carry on the head. (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry.)
tusta [tústa] v To toast bread. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.)
tustado [tustádo] 1adj Toasted. Gusto ni Claire nak magkaon it tostado nak tinapay. Claire wanted to eat toasted bread. 2vt To toast bread. magtustá Atustahon nako kaling subrang tinapay. I toast these left over bread.