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ôໂອʔo̤ːEXCLoh!ໂອ້!Exo 3:3.
ô-êໂອເອ້ʔo̤ːʔeːADJPgreat; plentytha hồ ănຫຼາຍ
ôm panôiqໂອມ ປາໂນຍອ໌ʔo̤ːm̤ːjʔvrestitutiongiá bồi thườngການປົວແປງ
ô-mêໂອເມ̤ːMEASan omer ô-meໂອເມ
ô-mê-caໂອເມກາʔo̤ː-me̤ː-kaːNomegaô-mê-gaໂອເມກາRev 1:8.
ô-sanaໂອຊານາʔo̤ː-saːnaːEXCLhosannaHô-sa-naໂຮຊານາMat 21:9.

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