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Bru - English - Vietnamese - Lao

ớc ເອິກ ʔək NUMone hundred thousandứcແສນໜຶ່ງ
ớc vêuເອິກ ເວວʔək ve̤ːwNUMmyriadshàng vạnໜຶ່ງໝື່ນDeu 33:2. Dan 7:10.
ớhເອິຮʔəhprtemphatic final particleùm, hừmStory about the Children of God who came down the Ramie Vine 23.1
ớnເອິນʔənvorder; requestlệnh ສັ່ງ, ຂໍຮ້ອງGen 12:20.
ớpເອິບʔəpvboil; bakeluộc; hầmຕົ້ມExo 23:19.

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