nacúúnnacuun⁵v1callllamarDan me senu̱u̱ ro̱j so' rque rihoo chéé rihaan na, ne̱ naqui'yaj sa̱' ro̱j so' nanj rii xcuaj, ne̱ canacúún Jesucristó man ro̱j tinu̱j ro̱j so' canoco̱' ro̱j so' man Jesucristó a. And they were in a boat and preparing nets to catch fish and Jesus called the two brothers to follow Jesus.MRK 1:19bNe ca'na̱' 'u̱nj canacu̱nj 'u̱nj man síí sa̱' ma'. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” MRK 2:17dDan me se sese mozó mé so̱' ga̱a canacúún Diose̱ mán so̱' ca̱nocó' so̱' man Diose̱, ne̱ se̱ nanó rá so̱' ma'. Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t let it trouble you—although if you can gain your freedom, do so. If you were a servant when God called you to follow God, do not be worried.1CO 7:21-22a3.