Angalia lugha


maaʼda1ipf. 2nd. ofmad
maaʼda2ipf. 2nd. ofmar
maaʼdeNheifer; young female bovineCprgorinte/Maaʼd hártí gaa taalle, yú arge./Free translationheifer over.there at stood, I saw; I saw the heifer standing over there.FVDFSG5Other Formmaaʼd
maad-shaadaN-CPXfinch type birdndege ndogoCprhúrumFSG5
maadaipf. 1st. ofmad
maadiaipf. 1st. ofmádishmadVI pay (it) back; I barter
maadichaipf. 2nd. ofmádishmadVyou(sg) sell; you(sg) barter; you(sg) twist
maadiny1ipf. neg. ofmad
maadiny2ipf. neg. ofmádishmad
maakala1jus. 1st. of máákalVcool by pouring from one cup to anotherData needs checking
maakala2ipf. 1st. ofmáákalVI cooled(it) by pouring from one cup to another
maakaláacommand plu. ofmáákal
maakaleprf. 1st. ofmáákal
maakalinyipf. neg. ofmáákal
maakallaipf. 2nd. ofmáákal
maakalleprf. 2nd. ofmáákal
maakalojus. 2nd. ofmáákalData needs checking
maakálinyprf. neg. ofmáákal
maalaipf. 1st. ofmáalVI hear
maalayprf. 1st. ofmáálab
maalayye1V(it(M)) was hazy/Biiy ká maalayye./Free translation(the)land has become hazy.STATPRF2Gnrmáálab
maalayye2prf. 2nd. ofmáálab
maaláacommand plu. ofmáalVListen!(pl); Attend to words!(pl)