1.5.2. Bush, shrub

ᦀᦱᦷᦍᦋᦱʔajoo⁴caa⁴nounayoca; a kind of flower1.5.2Bush, shrub
ᦅᦴᦟᦱkuu⁴laa⁴nounazaleaRhododendron sp.ᦎᦳᧃᧉ1 2ᦡᦸᧅᧈ ᦅᦴ ᦟᦱ ᦵᦕᧀ ᦍᦱᧄ ᦞᦸᧃ.Azaleas bloom in the spring.1.5.2Bush, shrub
ᦅᦱᧁkaaw⁴nounimpatiens (flower)Impatiens sp.1.5.2Bush, shrub
ᦆᦳᧄᧈ1xum⁵1nounbushᦂᦸ 3ᦅᧁᧉ 5ᦎᦳᧃᧉ1 2ᦃᦲᧈ ᦙᦱᧉ ᦶᦡᧃᧉ ᦆᦳᧄᧈ ᦐᦱᧄ.He rode the horse through thorn bushes.1.5.2Bush, shrub2nounclassifier for bushes9.2.6.1Classifiersᦆᦳᧄᧈᦺᦙᧉ
ᦈᧂᦂᦸᧃcaŋ¹kɔn¹nounwater lilyᦈᧂ ᦂᦸᧃ ᦵᦕᧀ ᦂᦱᧂ ᦐᦸᧂ.The water lilies opened in the middle of the lake.ᦀᦲᦰᦢᦲᧉ ᦌᧁ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦊᦴᧈ ᦵᦐᦲ ᦺᦢ ᦈᧂ ᦂᦸᧃ.The dragonfly rested on the leaf of a water lily.1.5.2Bush, shrub
ᦈᦱᧄᦔᦱ2caam¹paa¹nounosmanthus (a shrub with fragrant flowers growing in clusters)Osmanthus sp.1.5.2Bush, shrubᦈᦱᧄᦔᦱᦷᦜᧂ
ᦉᦗᧃᦇᦱsapan⁴ŋaa⁴nouna kind of shrub with fragrant flowers growing in clustersᦎᦳᧃᧉ1 21.5.2Bush, shrub
ᦉᦱ1saa¹nounpaper mulberry [Note: Fiber from the inner bark of the paper mulberry is used to make paper. This paper is prized throughout east Asia for its high quality.]Broussonetia papyriferaᦷᦋᧈ ᦅᦳᧃ ᦏᧁᧉ ᦖᦻ ᦺᦞᧉ ᦺᦉᧈ ᦗᦸᧇ ᦐᧂ ᦉᦱ.People in our elders' era wrote in mulberry paper books.1.5.2Bush, shrubᦂᦡᦱᧆᦉᦱᦊᦱᧇᦋᦱᧉᦉᦱᦷᦠᧆᧈᦞᦳᧂᦉᦱ
ᦉᦱᦟᦗᦲsaa¹lapii⁴nouna flowering shrubAnneslea fragrans1.5.2Bush, shrub
ᦉᦳᧄᧉᦔᦾᧈsum³pɔj²nounsoap pod plant (the pod is used as soap, and has cleansing and protective powers)Acacia concinna1.5.2Bush, shrub
ᦋᦲᧉᦩᦱᧈcii⁶xwaa⁵nounchrysanthemumChrysanthemum indicumᦂᦸ 31.5.2Bush, shrubChinese菊花ju2hua1
ᦋᦹᦋᦲᧂᧈcɯɯ⁴ciŋ⁵nounChinese redbudCercis chinensisᦎᦳᧃᧉ1 21.5.2Bush, shrubChinese紫荆zi3jing1
ᦶᦌᧃᧈᦓᦲᧁᧉsæn⁵niw⁶nounmorning gloryIpomoea nilᦡᦸᧅᧈ 31.5.2Bush, shrubChinese牵牛qian1niu2
ᦌᦸᧂ2sɔŋ⁴1nounclump; thicket (as of grass, bamboo)ᦌᦸᧂ ᦌᦱᧂ.Bamboo thicket.ᦌᦸᧂ ᦎᦸᧈ ᦌᦸᧂ ᦊᦱᧃ ᦂᧃ ᧑᧐ ᦷᦅᧂᧈ ᦵᦝᦲᧃᧈ.The clumps of rice should be 10 cm from each other.1.5.2Bush, shrub2classifierclassifier for clumps of grass or bamboo9.2.6.1Classifiers
ᦌᦸᧃᧉ2sɔn⁶nounjasmineJasminum sp.1.5.2Bush, shrub
ᦍᦲᧃᧉᦌᦳᧃᧈᦩᦱᧈjin⁶sun⁵xwaa⁵nounwinter jasmineJasminum nudiflorumᦎᦳᧃᧉ1 21.5.2Bush, shrubChinese迎春花ying2chun1hua1
ᦎᦜᦸᧄᧉtalɔm³nounamaranthGomphrena globosaᦎᦳᧃᧉ1 21.5.2Bush, shrub
ᦎᦾᧈ2tɔj²nounminnierootRuellia tuberosa1.5.2Bush, shrubᦊᦱᧉᦎᦾᧈᦍᦸᧇ
ᦎᦳᧃᧉᦡᦸᧅᧈᦎᦳᧃᧉᦊᦱᧉtun³dɔɔk²tun³jaa³nounshrubs; bushesᦎᦳᧃᧉ ᦡᦸᧅᧈ ᦎᦳᧃᧉ ᦊᦱᧉ ᧞ ᦂᦸ ᦺᦙᧉ ᦂᦸ ᦎᦸᧅᧈ ᦜᦻ ᦙᦱ ᦣᦴᧉ ᦞᦱᧈ ᦐᦾᧉ ᦺᦔ?Are the bushes and trees increasing or decreasing?1.5.2Bush, shrubᦎᦳᧃᧉ1ᦡᦸᧅᧈᦊᦱᧉ1
ᦐᦸᧈᦃᦳᧄnɔɔ²xum¹nouna kind of bamboo shoot (with bitter taste)1.5.2Bush, shrubᦐᦸᧈ1ᦃᦳᧄ2
ᦐᦸᧈᦷᦎᧇnɔɔ²top²nouna kind of bamboo shoot1.5.2Bush, shrubᦐᦸᧈ1ᦷᦎᧇ
ᦑᦲᧂᧈᦶᦌᧂᧈtiŋ⁵sæŋ⁵nounlilacSyringa vulgaris1.5.2Bush, shrubChinese丁香ding1xiang1
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