Names of regions

ᦁᦱᧃᧈᦆᦼᧈʔaan⁵xuj⁵nameAnhui Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese安徽an1hui1
ᦂᦼᧈᦵᦋᦲᧁᧈkuj²cɤw⁵nameGuizhou Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese贵州gui4zhou1
ᦆᦴᧉᦓᦱᧃᧉxuu⁶naan⁶nameHunan Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese湖南hu2nan2
ᦆᦴᧉᦵᦗᦲᧉxuu⁶pɤɤ⁶nameHubei Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese湖北hu2bei3
ᦵᦆᦲᧉᦷᦟᧂᧉᦶᦋᧂᧈxɤɤ⁶loŋ⁶cæŋ⁵nameHeilongjiang Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese黑龙江hei1long2jiang1
ᦷᦆᧉᦓᦱᧃᧉxoo⁶naan⁶nameHenan Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese河南he2nan2
ᦷᦆᧉᦵᦗᦲᧉxoo⁶pɤɤ⁶nameHebei Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese河北he2bei3
ᦆᦻᦓᦱᧃᧉxaaj⁴naan⁶nameHainan Island and Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese海南hai3nan2
ᦈᦲᦟᦲᧃcii¹lin⁴nameJilin Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese吉林ji2lin2
ᦉᦹᧈᦌᦸᧃᧈsɯɯ²sɔn⁵nameSichuan Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese四川si4chuan1
ᦉᦲᧇᦉᦸᧂᦗᧃᦓᦱsip²sɔŋ¹pan⁴naa⁴nameSipsongpanna or Xishuangbanna. [Note: This name dates back to the late 16th century. It can be translated roughly as 'Twelve Realms'. Sipsongpanna is the usual English spelling. Xishuangbanna is the pinyin transcription of 西双版纳.]᧑᧒ᦗᧃᦓᦱᦘᦱ ᦉᦱ ᦺᦑ ᦟᦹᧉ ᦁᧃ ᦊᦴᧈ ᦵᦙᦲᧂ ᦉᦲᧇ ᦉᦸᧂ ᦗᧃ ᦓᦱ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦘᦱ ᦉᦱ ᦜᦻ ᦵᦜᦲ ᦘᦱ ᦉᦱ ᦀᦹᧃᧈ.The Dai Lue people of Sipsongpanna are more numerous than the other nationalities. of regionsᦉᦲᧇᦉᦸᧂᦗᧃᦓᦱ
ᦶᦋᧂᧈᦌᦲᧈcæŋ⁵sii⁵nameJiangxi Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese江西jiang1xi1
ᦵᦋᦲᧉᦶᦋᧂᧈcɤɤ⁶cæŋ⁵nameZhejiang Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese浙江zhe4jiang1
ᦌᦲᧈᦈᦱᧂᧈsii⁵caaŋ²nameTibet Autonomous Region9.7.2.2Names of regionsᦈᦱᧂᧈ2Chinese西藏xi1zang4
ᦌᦱᧃᧈᦌᦲᧉsaan⁵sii⁶nameShanxi Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese山西shan1xi1
ᦌᦱᧃᧈᦷᦑᧂᧈsaan⁵toŋ⁵nameShandong Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese山东shan1dong1
ᦌᦱᧃᦌᦲᧈsaan⁴sii⁵nameShaanxi Province9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese陕西shan3xi1
ᦌᦲᧃᧈᦶᦋᧂᧈsin⁵cæŋ⁵nameXinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese新疆xin1jiang1
ᦍᦲᧃᧉᦓᦱᧃᧉjin⁶naan⁶2000nameYunnan Provinceᦍᦲᧃᧉ ᦓᦱᧃᧉ ᦵᦌᦲᧃ.Yunnan Province. of regionsChinese云南yun2nan2
ᦎᦱᧈᦍᧁᧉtaa²jaw⁶nameDayao County, north of Xishuangbanna with a large Dai population9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese大姚da4yao2
ᦺᦎᧉᦷᦆᧂtaj³xoŋ⁴ᦺᦎᧉᦆᦳᧂnameDehong Prefecture9.7.2.2Names of regions
ᦷᦑᧂᧈᦙᦳᧂᧉtoŋ⁵muŋ⁶nameAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese东盟dong1meng2eastern league
ᦗᧃᦓᦱpan⁴naa⁴20001noundistrict; panna; one of the twelve historical districts of Sipsongpanna. [Note: panna means 'a thousand rice fields'. The boundaries and the total number of the panna have shifted over the centuries.]ᦈᧁᧉ ᦗᧃ ᦓᦱ ᦵᦙᦲᧂ ᦶᦋᧈ.The lord of the Meng Zhe Panna.4.6.7Region2nameBanna (an modern abbreviation of Xishuangbanna)ᦣᧁ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦘᦱ ᦉᦱ ᦺᦑ ᦊᦴᧈ ᦗᧃ ᦓᦱ ᦦᦱᧂᧉ.We are the Dai people who live in the great Banna.ᦷᦂᧆ ᦶᦎᧄᧉ ᦆᦱᧁᧈ ᦙᦱ ᦺᦉᧈ ᦗᦸᧇ ‹‹ᦗᧃᦓᦱ››.He wrote stories to put in the journal Banna.ᦃᧁ ᦃᦻ ᦋᦲᧃᧉ ᧞ ᦜᧁᧉ ᦊᦴᧈ ᦂᦱᧆ ᦗᧃ ᦓᦱ.They sell meat and liquor in the Banna Market. of regionsᦗᧃ1ᦓᦱ1ᦈᧁᧉᦗᧃᦓᦱᦉᦲᧇᦉᦸᧂᦗᧃᦓᦱ
ᦟᦴᦶᦎᧃᧈluu⁴tæn²nameLudian County in northeast Yunnan9.7.2.2Names of regionsChinese鲁甸lu3dian4
ᦠᦲᧄᦙᦗᦱᧃhim¹mapaan⁴nameHimmapan Forest. [Note: In Buddhist tradition the Himmapan Forest surrounds Mount Meru and is the home of nagas and garudas.]ᦆᦳᧆ1ᦉᦵᦓᦷᦟᦓᦱᧅ 1ᦑᦲᧈ 3ᦘ ᦍᦱ ᦵᦞ ᦶᦉᧃ ᦎ ᦟᦰ ᦃᧁᧉ ᦔᦱᧈ ᦺᦙᧉ ᦠᦲᧄ ᦙ ᦗᦱᧃ ᦵᦙᦲ ᦷᦢᧆᧈ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦘ ᦟ ᦉᦲ.Prince Vessantara went into the Himmapan Forest to be ordained as a hermit. of regions4.9.7.5Buddhism
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