Browse Doromu-Koki - English



yoyo1ntip, very end, overhang.Sofeka kaka yoyori mironi na moi.Get the ripe mango right at the very end (of the branch) for me.8.6.7End, point
yoyo2adjovergrown.Rabo yoyo guta niyo.The overgrown sword grass was nice.1.5.6Growth of plants
yoyo renacvdiveYa kaya nesi davana mokari yoyo regiyari, beika vata nigo?When you yourself go down and dive into the deep sea, what will happen?
yo'oi1unspec. var. ofyokoioneSirimu
yunyellow/green pus, paste.Nai anema yu deyo.Pus came out of my ear.Tauga orisi yu famasi irina bi buni.It is good to cook banana and pour (tua) paste on it and eat it. manaunspec. comp. formcvrelease fluidNai ara yu maro.My sore released pus.
yu dobacnmiddle fingerYu doba vana ara niyo.The middle finger is sore., toe
yu manaunspec. comp. form ofyu
yuaitangrass species.Ma oruma yuaita tau oibanu ka vai vau reyo.And all the green grass was also completely burnt up.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
yuaniuvani1yuvani2nbreadfruit.Nai yuani variyakama vareyadi.They saw the breadfruit that I planted.Gena dudu kema resi yuvani kema re.Make the hook with the bamboo and hook the breadfruit.Uvani ena yaku nai varuka moi no riyo.Breadfruit sap stained my clothes.unspec. var.uvani2yuvani11.5.1Tree
yuatauvata1nfarewell, goodbye, greeting, best wishes.Usika ourena vakoi nai yuata mafa.Give my best wishes to all the brothers and sisters.unspec. var.uvata23. farewellyuata ninaunspec. comp. formcvfarewell, say goodbye.Ini yuata sina niyo dubu tora vene rofu.He gave his farewell words to the church leaders.Nesi yuata ni.Go down and say goodbye.
yuata ninaunspec. comp. form ofyuata
yuetanleafYueta na ma kumo ibu regida.Give me the leaves and spread them out.1.5.5Parts of a plant
yukanleg, foot.Yi rovaitari, yuka ba vana esika rebigori, yakita iye yaku ya aedego.When in your body, your legs or hands hurt, leaves can help you.Nai yuka esika reyo.My feet hurt. aina sanaunspec. comp. formcnfootstoolAdina mina bi ini yuka aina sana.Because it is his footstool.yuka kevounspec. comp. formparalysed, cripple.Mina dibo anua yuka kevo amiye rofu ago niyo.He spoke to this paralysed man.yuka nounspec. comp. formcripple, lame.Kamini yuka no afei baisi ini yuka adinari aiyadi ma moi buni riyo.Then they brought cripples and placed them at his feet and he healed them.yuka rafounspec. comp. formsole; said in respect to/of/for spirits at the end of planting.Ini yuka rafo bi esika reyo.His sole was hurting.yuka rounspec. comp. formcnshoe, sandal.Na yaku ini yuka ro ka de uvakaigida.I will not carry his sandals.yuka vana kevounspec. comp. formparalyticYe mina vene ka ini yuka vana kevo vene afei baiyadi.And these people also brought their paralytics.yuka vana nari renaunspec. comp. formself-control, disciplined.Ina yaku mokena rorobo ma yuka vana nari rena mina sina sina nioteimaro.He taught the words of righteousness and self-control.yuka yokoi makaunspec. comp. formrain showerYuka yokoi maka ugai feideyo.A rain shower came and went.
yuka aina sanaunspec. comp. form ofyuka
yuka kevounspec. comp. form ofyuka
yuka nounspec. comp. form ofyuka
yuka rafounspec. comp. form ofyuka
yuka rinacvinsert; stick in.Dagare yaku bosoro ini adari yuka risi adena uyo.Dagere stuck the headdress on his head and danced. in
yuka rounspec. comp. form ofyuka
yuka vana kevounspec. comp. form ofyuka
yuka vana nari renaunspec. comp. form ofyuka
yuka yokoi makaunspec. comp. form ofyuka
yukanayu'ana1nwalking stickGua bi yukana moido.Now he takes a walking stick.Nai yu'ana moi bae.Bring my walking stick.unspec. var.yu'ana27.2.1.1Walk
yumanbush yam species.Disi yuma goenadi.Let's go dig up some yuma bush yams.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine