
dikinheelNai yuka diki bi ara niyo.I got a sore on my heel (lit. 'leg/foot heel').
efukaefo'a1efu'a1ehu'a2nkneeFofure tora boba nai efuka kore reyo.When I climbed the big mountain I twisted my knee.unspec. var.efo'a2efu'a2ehu'a12.1.3.2Legefuka kakiunspec. comp. formcnkneecapNai aufa di efuka kaki rage reyo.My granny's kneecap became loose/out of joint.efuka odenaunspec. comp. formcvkneelYe na bi rorobo de efuka odesi ini yuka ro di maena younegida.So I am not worthy to kneel down and untie his sandal's strap.efuka varinaunspec. comp. formcvkneel downUsa usa nigi efuka varigo.He will kneel down (on the ground) to pray.
kamukakamoka1nback of kneeFofure firu ridari, bi nai kamuka evadi umuka redo.When I climb the mountain, the back of my knee gets tired very quickly.unspec. var.kamoka22.1.3.2Leg
kanekani2nankleNai kani kefukari maka ara niyoma nana rena anua reyaka.I got sore right on my ankle joint and I couldn't walk properly.unspec. var.kani12.1.3.2Leg
omorobadoomoru2ncalfNai omoru esika reyo, raga reyaka dada.My calf was hurting, because I was running.unspec. var.omoru12.1.3.2Leg
udabi rinacvmake lapYuka udabi risi kiyaka ame tairi.Sit Indian style (lit. 'make legs into a lap') and carefully/quietly sit separately.Formed from u 'forceful causative + dabi rena 'support/provide for'.
vademan1thigh, lap.2lapIni vadema fafau bi roka bura reyo.On his thigh was written a name. ainaunspec. comp. formcvadoptUna vadema aigoma ini mida mida nigifa dada.We will be adopted so that we will become his children.
yonemantibia, shin, calf.Nai yonema esika reyo.My shin was hurting.
yukanleg, foot.Yi rovaitari, yuka ba vana esika rebigori, yakita iye yaku ya aedego.When in your body, your legs or hands hurt, leaves can help you.Nai yuka esika reyo.My feet hurt. aina sanaunspec. comp. formcnfootstoolAdina mina bi ini yuka aina sana.Because it is his footstool.yuka kevounspec. comp. formparalysed, cripple.Mina dibo anua yuka kevo amiye rofu ago niyo.He spoke to this paralysed man.yuka nounspec. comp. formcripple, lame.Kamini yuka no afei baisi ini yuka adinari aiyadi ma moi buni riyo.Then they brought cripples and placed them at his feet and he healed them.yuka rafounspec. comp. formsole; said in respect to/of/for spirits at the end of planting.Ini yuka rafo bi esika reyo.His sole was hurting.yuka rounspec. comp. formcnshoe, sandal.Na yaku ini yuka ro ka de uvakaigida.I will not carry his sandals.yuka vana kevounspec. comp. formparalyticYe mina vene ka ini yuka vana kevo vene afei baiyadi.And these people also brought their paralytics.yuka vana nari renaunspec. comp. formself-control, disciplined.Ina yaku mokena rorobo ma yuka vana nari rena mina sina sina nioteimaro.He taught the words of righteousness and self-control.yuka yokoi makaunspec. comp. formrain showerYuka yokoi maka ugai feideyo.A rain shower came and went.