7.8. Divide into pieces

uganav1cross overKamini koru moka tora ugaradi rofu konori okiyadi.Then they crossed over the lake and arrived at the land. past, over, through2come apart/out, break/wipe off.Yi mida asika bi goivaka ugaro?When did your son's belly button come out?Yi uruma bidoka moi uga.Wipe your mucus.7.8.1Break
uratodenavbreakSasa mereki bi kaere yaku eyareyo ma uratodeyo?Who dropped the saucer and broke it?7.8.1Break
uratokunavbreak apart/downYabo teteka yaresi nai ada girika moi uratokuyo.The tree branch fell and broke open my skull.Kono yaga reyo uratokuyo.The earthquake broke the ground. apart7.8.1Break
uroki renacvbreak/tear apart/away/off.Uroki resi ini usi dina vene maro.He broke it off and gave it to his disciples.Formed from u- 'forceful causative' + roki rena 'break'.7.8.1Break
uvesi renauesi rena1cvtear apart, rip.Bi ini varuka uesi resi nikaiteyo, iriyeduka reyo dada.He tore his clothes, as he was sorrowful.Ini fate ka uesi regi reyo.Their nets also began to rip.unspec. var.uesi rena27.8.4Tear, rip
yai renacvfell, knock down.Ina bi yabo nu yai maka reyo.He only cut down and felled the tree down.Ye muyena iniye reyainedi darusa yai rei makudedi kana.So they are very dead as if knocked down and pulled out by the roots.7.8.3Cut
yoku renacvdig with/by hand.Yasu kono yoku re.Your turn to dig the ground by hand.7.8.6Dig
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