Move past, over, through

bona1vgo (over/up), walk, climb.Dona meki rei boyaka didu tafari dui reyo.I chased the pig and it went into the didu bush.Muro ravau bosi okiyadi bi nari de.They went over and arrived to a garden clearing and didn't wait.Idama boga boga nei resi aruma veyaka.While I was walking along I saw a snake.Ita faya nisi iroka fonifoni rei dadi boyo.Fire exploded and produced (lit. 'went up') thick smoke.Fofure tora boba nai efuka kore reyo.Whilst I climbed the big mountain my knee was twisted. (Slang term; abberation of boidari 'whilst I'm going')Becomes boi as the first element in a verb chain, or before first person singular present affix (-da), as with other verbs. Young speakers say fogo fogo for bogo bogo. past, over, throughboi tavoi tavoi renaunspec. comp. formgrow wildFainafu yaku boi tavoi tavoi rededi.The pineapples are growing wild.boi tora ninaunspec. comp. formincrease; grow big/up.Uni mokena boi tora niyo.Our thinking increased.
ebu renacv1surpass; beat, win over, conquer, overcome, exceed.Tora nisi yabo tau vakoi ebu rego.It will grow big and surpass all the other trees. (through), miss (mark).Oa deyafa idu etagae rina sana bi ebu reyafa.We swam down but at the moving place (i.e., 'place to come out') we passed through/missed it. past, over, through
orefanavcome/pass over, spread.Nai rumana kero rei orefa baiyo na afegi.My husband turned around and came over to bring me across.HIV orefana idi dudu ma bera rovaitari imibigediri, ma sevi dudu rovaita nugabigedi ri.HIV is spread by shots and cutting tatoos, and when cutting the body with a razor. past, over, through
reki renacvmove overAme kakaita reyafa, ine besa reki rei bo.We were squished, so move over a bit. past, over, through
rurunavgo/climb over.Agiya abata deyoma baka ruruyaka.Yesterday a flood came so I took the shortcut.Yoromoma ruru boi ne.Go over that way. past, over, throughruru fisoi renaunspec. comp. formcvtake shortcutEvadi mina baka bi nesi ruru fisoi renadi.Hurry, let's take a shortcut on this track.
uganav1cross overKamini koru moka tora ugaradi rofu konori okiyadi.Then they crossed over the lake and arrived at the land. past, over, through2come apart/out, break/wipe off.Yi mida asika bi goivaka ugaro?When did your son's belly button come out?Yi uruma bidoka moi uga.Wipe your mucus.7.8.1Break
yavoi renacvcontinue on; pass/travel through.Yavoi reyadi ina vene di ini yavari.They continued on to their house.Mina resi Efaika ri bi ebu rei yavoi resi Gagaradobu ri neyadi.So they passed and continued (travelled right) on through Efaika and went down to Gagaradobu. past, over, through