
aurayahara2yasara2nwind; air, atmosphere.Aura yeiva tora fu reyo.A strong wind blew.Yahara guta redo.The air is nice.unspec. var.yahara1yasara11.1.3.1Windaura renaunspec. comp. formwind blowingMa meda baido rama eta gutuna aura rebigori, bi nigedi, 'Meda sei regi redo.'And when the wind blows from the south you say, 'It will be hot.'aura toraunspec. comp. formgale/blast of wind.Minari maka itu aura tora iniye iniye mina davara fafau boyo.Just then a very big blast of cold wind came over the sea.
keriya fui renacvblowing whirlwind or dust devil.Keriya fui resi yabo iye moi isiyo.The whirlwind blew up all the tree leaves.
sasa1nbreezeDavara ini itu sasa ya nisifa.We are telling you about the cool sea breeze.
yafuyafunbreeze, wind.E, aiso yafuyafu buni yo.Oh, wow, what a nice cool breeze.