2.1.2. Torso

asika2nnavel, belly button.Yi mida asika bi goivaka ugaro?When did your son's belly button come out?2.1.2Torsoasika maenaunspec. comp. formcnumbilical cordMina mida ini asika maena yaku kuri burivai reyo.This child's umbilical cord tangled around his neck.
boadanlower abdomenVaruka ri mona re; yi boada ogau nido.Wear your clothes properly; your lower abdomen is showing.2.1.2Torsoboada uetaunspec. comp. formcnpubic hairBoada ueta eve reyo.(My) pubic hair was itching.
bubuyenhipNai bubuye bi esika redo.My hip is in pain.2.1.2Torso
dodorunabdomenDoketa yaku ini gauka bi dodoruri baku reyadi.Doctors found his illness in his abdomen.2.1.2Torso
dokanbuttocks, bottom.Sigena di doka etu niyoma amena anua redo.Sigena got a boil on her buttocks and she can't sit down.Fani di ini doka mina oketa iye ruaka dudu yaga ida ri.Line the bottom of the pan with fresh Tahitian Chestnut leaves.2.1.2Torso
esonabdomen, stomach, belly, torso.Kokou rubu vene yaku dona eso una maradi.The Kokou clan people gave us the pork belly.2.1.2Torso
eta1feta2n1sideRautu berou eta rofu raka niyo.He was shouting from the other side of the village.2.1.2Torso2wingNai nono bi kokoro eta irina ura redo.My mother likes eating chicken wings. of a bird3praying mantis fore gutMadi kokoro di ukari eta amedo.The fore gut is inside the praying mantis. of an insect
fufutanbackPilisi nai mida, nai fufuta isagoe.Please son, scratch my back.2.1.2Torsofufuta agounspec. comp. formcngossipNa bi ini vegu ma fufuta ago una rofu nido mina moi ogau regida.I will expose his practices and the gossip he says about us.fufuta manaunspec. comp. formcvreject, deny.Fufuta marori, mina konori vene bedakai bi dairisi Sei auta reyadi.For when they were rejected, some of this world's people returned to fellowship with God.fufuta sinaunspec. comp. form1cngossipIna bi fufuta sina vene.They are gossips.2behind, after.Ina bi ita keika yokoi kono odorori ini yava fufutari riyo.He built a small fire on the ground behind his house.Meda be koina niyo fufutari, diyadi.After some days passed, they went.
gagabanwaistIni varuka mina gagabari maka iru riyo.He only wore clothing about his waist.2.1.2Torsogagaba ukita maenaunspec. comp. formbeltIni gagaba ukita maena bi boromakau di ro.His belt was leather.
getonanlower back, backbone.Meki reyo rofu sosogi yaku imiyo ini getonari.He chased it so that he shot it in the back with a spear.2.1.2Torso
goba ninacvhave distended stomach/potbelly.Nai mida bi rivo goba niyo.My child had a distended stomach.2.1.2Torso
godinbuttock(s), bottom.Rema vene godi buika rega adena u mona reyadi.The women swayed their buttocks and danced very well.2.1.2Torsogodi musaunspec. comp. formcngluteus maximusNai godi musa esika reyo.My gluteus maximus was in pain.godi nenaunspec. comp. formcntail bone; coccyx.Keto reyakama gua godi nena esika redo.I fell and now my tailbone hurts.
kokobanchest, breast.Ini kokoba famasi niyo.He beat his chest and spoke.Also nickname for man with unbuttoned shirt.2.1.2Torso
oyonbackDona di oyo musa bi na ura reida.I want some pork back muscle.2.1.2Torso
rivoravo1nabdomen; stomach, womb, gut(s), intestine.Yi mida keika bi eve ya rivo mai buri riyo.Your baby's stomach is swollen because of the spleen.Idu bi ini rivori maka bi ini rovaitari yakudo.But it only enters the gut and goes out of his/her body.unspec. var.ravo22.1.2Torsorivo bekounspec. comp. formcnpotbellyYi rivo beko bi tora.Your pot belly is big.rivo kefukaunspec. comp. formcnpotbellyBerise ina keikari bi ini rivo kefuka nufa.When Berise was little she had a potbelly.rivo ninaunspec. comp. formcvconceive, become pregnant.Ya ka rivo niyo.You already conceived.Rema remanu rivo niyadi.The two women were pregnant.rivo nufaunspec. comp. formpregnantNono kaere bi rivo nufa ina fafau bi no iniye iniye!It will be very bad for pregnant women!
sususisu1nbreast, milk.Yi susu metona bi tora.The ends of your breasts are big.Nono ini mida susu irido.The mother's child drinks breast milk.unspec. var.sisu22.1.2Torsosusu gibaunspec. comp. formcnnipple, teat.Nai nono di susu giba ara niyo.My mother's nipples were sore.susu irinaunspec. comp. formcvbreast eed, nurse, suckle.Ma nono ini mida susu irido ina fafau bi no iniye iniye!And it will be very bad for mothers whose children are breastfeeding.Action of the child.susu manaunspec. comp. formcvnurse, breastfeed.Kaere bi susu de maro bi buni tora gade regedi.Whoever didn't breastfeed will be very blessed.Action of the mother.
ubomanupper backNai uboma toga esika redo.My upper back keeps hurting.2.1.2Torso
vi1vibai2nbackside, tail.Yi mida ka bi gauka reyoma vi feka niyo.Your son also got sick and his backside became skinny.unspec. var.vibai12.1.2Torsovi figonaunspec. comp. formcntailboneDona di vi figona na maradi.They gave me the pig's tailbone.viuunspec. comp. form1n2by the tailUka ori bodori viu riyaka.When the cuscus was running away I grabbed it by the tail.Derivation of vi=u 'tail-by'.