
emuyenavkill/murder someone by means of spiritual powers.Ma mirona amiye yava doba ina fafau yaresi emuyeyo bi gokai?And what about those people who were killed when a tower fell on them?Formed from e 'indirect causative' + muye- 'die'; less direct than umuyena 'kill'.
uai renahuai rena1cv1hang oneself; commit suicide.Mina usi disi iniye ini bauye misi uai reyo.Then he went off and tied his neck and hanged himself. varuka raeniri uai reyaka mina moi desi na ma.Can you bring my clothes I hung on the line and give them to me.unspec. var.huai rena27.
umuyenavcausing physical death; kill, murder.Iya regasa iniye iniye umuyegamadi.They were fighting and killing each other.Ya aki rego baebu umuye.Kill it lest it sting/bite you.Compound of u+muyena 'hit-die'.