
afeyamenavpractice hospitalityEgoru afeyamena bi vegu buni.Visiting and practicing hospitality is a good practice. hospitality
egoru renacvvisit; get/meet (together) with.Amiye tau gade bi inasa amei desi egoru regamadi.A crowd came and sat down and they were gathered around visiting him.Agiya urusa bi aroro di yavari egoru reyafa.Last night we had a meeting (lit. 'got/met together') at the announcer (village crier)'s house.
faiva ninacvwelcome (someone coming), receive, greet.Ina vene ya na faiva niyadi.And they welcomed me.Amiye tau yaku faiva niyadi.The crowd received him., receive
gaba renacvbe hospitable; show hospitality, call/invite in, entertain.Idu ina bi amiye gaba redo.But he is a hospitable person.Ya kaya kosika rena de gaba refa.Show hospitality to one another without complaining. hospitality
odi dinacvvisit to receive or say something regarding bride price; call in on.Notoka ameida, idu beika resi na odi disa?I have nothing, so why do you visit me (i.e., 'I have nothing to offer you')?
otonwalking around, from place to place to visit with others; visiting, making rounds, stopping by, loitering.Ruika oto oto boida.Right away I am going around visiting. dinaunspec. comp. formcvjourney, travel.Bi amiye yokoi yava ika oto dina kana.It is like a person on a journey (lit. 'going house summit visiting').Idiomaticoto renaunspec. comp. formcvvisit, walk around.Asiyaka venesa oto reida.I walk around with friends.