4.2.4. Dance

adenaadina2ndance or music.Era varuka dogo refo rema voi adena totona.Prepare your traditional costumes for the bride price dance.unspec. var.adina14.2.4Danceadena unaunspec. comp. formcvdanceMirona medari ada resi adena ufa.On that day/at that time be happy/rejoice and dance.
buika renacvsway hips/buttocks whilst dancing.Rema vene godi buika rega adena u mona reyadi.The women swayed their hips and danced very well.4.2.4Dance
disco renacvdisco, dance.Yaku desi disco re kumo.Come out and dance.4.2.4Dance
gido renacvsway hips (in grass skirt).Mina rema kefare risi gido redo.This woman makes a grass skirt and sways her hips.4.2.4Dance
kanikundance from Taboro, along Mimani river.Kaniku adena bi Kokila vene di adena.The kaniku dance is the Kokila people's dance.4.2.4Dance
kitorondance from the grasslands, toward the coast, particularly Bonanamu and Golobu.Balavaia vene bi kitoro di adina vene.The Balavaia people are the original kitoro dance people.4.2.4Dance
kofunkina shell for dancing.Beika bi akeke auna rofu ga masi yi kofu bi dona di budari ga makufa.Don't give what is holy to dogs and don't throw your pearls (lit. 'kina shells') before pigs.4.2.4Dance
mairindancing gearRegina, yi mairi ruika na ma.Regina, give me your dancing gear right away.4.2.4Dance
sisivantraditional dance from Popondetta and Dorobisoro primarily used in Korigo area.'Origo vene bi sisiva udedi.The 'Origo people dance the sisiva traditional dance.4.2.4Dance
sivindancing costume.Mibi sivi adena gugura.These are dancing costume things.4.2.4Dance
ubintraditional war dance from Nobone.Ubi bi adena yeiva.The ubi dance is a very strong/intense dance.4.2.4Dance
vaigandance from Boku dialect area of the Sinaugoro language.Baifa vene vaiga yuata nina ina diba.He knows the Baifa (Boku village) people's greeting dance.4.2.4Dance