4.6.1. Ruler

kininkingKini di vefa ofi bi yavari maka amegamo.The king's daughter was only staying in the house.4.6.1Ruler
kuininqueenSheba di kuini yaku gua amededi venesa vakoi are resi beika reyadi vegu mina nirausi rego.The Queen of Sheba will stand up with and condemn the people of today for what they did.'s family
varikawarika2nchief; important, special.Ina bi varika amiye yokoi.He is one chief.cf., Maoro ariki.unspec. var.warika14.6.1Rulervarika amiyeunspec. comp. formcnlord, king, master.Vima di yeiva baego Varika amiye gutu.The Spirit's power will come from the Lord.Ya bi ina vene di varika amiye ba?Are you their king?