4.7. Law

buburu renabururu rena2cvwhip; belt, chasten, punish.Mina dada na maka bururu resi moi feidegida.So I will just whip him and send him back.unspec. var.bururu rena14.7.7Punish
diburanjail, prison.Ina bi lagani vana ufo dibura yavari ameyo.He spent ten years in jail.Ma diburari ya kota reyainedi.And you must be judged in prison.
faini renacvfine, cite.Kamini taoni di ourefeidena vene yaku mina vene bi fore dudu dibura faini resi yaku diyadi.Then the town leaders fined them and let them out of jail.
kaunavakaunanava1npunishmentVarika amiye yaku ini kaunava ya mago.The Lord will give you his punishment.unspec. var.kaunanava24.7.7Punishkaunava renaunspec. comp. formcvpunishAmiye di uka no dada kaunava resi gauka reisa.You are sick and punished the people because of their evil hearts.
kota2ncourtYa moisi kotari are regediri, gokai ago nigedi bi mokena toe ga moiyaine.When they will arrest you and you will stand in court, don't worry in advance about what you will say.4.7.4Court of lawkota renaunspec. comp. formcvjudge, render verdict.Kamini ina yaku kota rena sanari ameinu reyadi.So they made him stay in court.kota rena fataunspec. comp. formcnthroneBi ini kota rena fata ameinu reyori, ini rema yaku ago nifeideyo.When he was seated on his throne, his wife sent word to him.
ninegau renacv(bear) witness, proclaim.Ma nai roka ninegau regedi.And you will witness to my name.Compound of ni+negau rena 'do say-near'., testify
nigira renacv1defendIniye nigira resi beika reyo mina niyo.He defended himself telling what he had done.Compound of ni+gira rena 'do say-hard'. against accusation2encourageIna bi ada resi ina vene nigira reyo.He was happy and encouraged them.
niokunavtestify, inform, reveal, bear witness, report on; proclaim, declare, speak out about.Ina deyo bi mina vabara di beika veyo kana mina niokugika.He came to testify to what he saw concerning this light.Nai mokena bi mina ago ya niokugida.I thought I would inform you.Sina rama niokuyakari mamo mista John di sina neideyadi; de bi ada gira resi amebiyagadu.When I revealed the true words they at once listened to Mister John's story; they didn't remain stubborn.'Ari buni buni bi baidedi, 'Varika amiye yaku niokudo.'Very good days are coming,' proclaimed the Lord.Compound of ni+okuna 'say-break open'., testifyniokuna agounspec. comp. formcntestimonyBi gagani gagani tau vakoi niokuna ago kana kono tora noibanuri nirausi regedi.It will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations.
nirabenavcredit, declare, acquit.Makai dudu ina vene bi mokena rorobo nirabeyagadu.And thus they should be credited/declared as righteous.
nirorotari renacv1plan; work out, explain, discuss, decide, strategise, convince, conspire.Iesu amiye ya gokai oga variyo di sui ago nirorotari reyo.Jesus explained the parable of the sower.Sina ago nirorotari reyadi ini umuyena dada.They discussed about his death.Ini ago evade nirorotari reyadi.They quickly conspired., judgeRama iniye ya adina amedo amiye yokoisa nirorotari re.Very truly reprove your neighbour., confront
nitourage renacvaccuse, blame, find fault with, reprove, remonstrate.Ya bi gokaisanu ago no tau ya rofu nitourage rededi bi neideisa ba ide?Don't you hear how many accusations they make against you?Compound of ni+tourage rena 'do say-accuse'., confront
satauroncross, crucifix.Ma kaere amiye yaku ini satauro de uakaisi na usi baigo bi na usi dina egere de.And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not fit to be my disciple.Iesu bi satauro odorori muyeyo.Jesus died on the cross.4.7.7Punishsatauro ikoko renaunspec. comp. formcrucifyKamini moisi ina vene di vanari aiyo, satauro ikoko reyaganedi.So he took him and delivered him to the people, that they must crucify him.
seininchainSeini dudu yuka vana ukita rigamadi.They were tying up his hands and feet with chains.
siko2ndaring; demanding without shame, pugnacious, abrasive.Siko ya amiye vonisi regiya.Are you man enough to do it? harshly
taravatunlaw, contract, command(ment).Ya kaya di ago gira taravatu bura regedi.You (pl) will write down the law.Taravatu yaku moiyo.He received the command.4.7Law
tourage renacvaccuseAmiye mironari ini ura tourage regedi di no regori.The people there wanted to accuse him when he would do something wrong.Nesi tourage reyo.He went down and opposed him., confront
uyounenavpardon, release, aid, uncover, loosen, untangle.Uyoune kumo diyaine.Release it so it can go.Gokai beika bou reyadi bi bou uyounego.Whatever is covered will be uncovered.Maena beto moi uyounei.Untangle the tangled up rope.Formed from u- 'forceful causative' + younena 'untie, loosen'., release