
damu emanacvcast doom black magic chant/spell/curse, inducing a natural disaster or thoughts of impending danger.Nai baba bi damu emaradi ma dona de udo.My father has been cursed and so he doesn't kill pigs. sesereunspec. comp. formcnchant/spell for spirit-induced natural disaster or thoughts of impending danger.Na damu sesere ori reyaka.I was afraid of the doom chant.
fu'u renacvcast/say spell/charm.Bi fu'u regasa vima no meki rena veve amiye.He cast spells and is a wizard (lit. 'casting evil spirits omen person').
kiraini renacvcurse, perform magic.Ina yaku fuka yabo kiraini reyo.He cursed the fig tree.More of a thought process, versus nikiraini rena which involves action. ninaunspec. comp. formcvcurseBi Sei ya kiraini niyaine!May he be cursed by God!
nimatimati renacvpray to, venerate, petition.Ina bi vima nimatimati reyo.He prayed for the spirit to go away.
nivauna renacvvenerate; chant sorrowful words in order to send a spirit away after disturbing it.Ye gagani adina amiye kaere bi Budo Babada yaku nivauna vauna reyori.So the person who lived near there was Budo Babada who chanted sorrowful words.
oba renacvheal or cure by use of traditional magic.Ore yaku amiye usi oba rededi.The witchdoctors follow people and cure them.
orenbad sorcery/black magic performed by using the power of evil spirits; poison.Ore vene kiki ida desi nai baba uyadi.The sorcerers used the secret means/method and killed my father. amiyeunspec. comp. formcnsorcererNa bi ore amiye veyaka.I saw the sorcerer.
seserenmagic words repeated over and over again with an object (i.e. fetish) that has magical powers in order to control a situation; chant, spell.Kaere ore regamadi vene tau bi ini mina seseresa bura reyadi moi okisi amiye tau nemokori ori kamu reyadi.Many of those people who had been practising magic brought their spell books and burned them in everyone's presence.
tukanabunwitchcraft, black magic which uses part of a person's belongings.Yi fogori yokoi yaku tukanabu, ore, o ruru ga reyaine.Amongst you there should not be anyone performing witchcraft, sorcery or divination.
tunavoinmagicMibi kaere ore ma tunavoi regamadi vene bi.These are those people who were doing sorcery and magic.
vevenwhite magic; witchcraft or divination using powers of magic.Amiye tau yaku ina ura de regamadi ini veve bi no iniye iniye dada.No one liked him because his witchcraft was so evil. amiyeunspec. comp. formcnwitch doctor, medium.Minari bi veve amiye yokoi baku reyadi.There they found a witch doctor.veve renaunspec. comp. formcvperform magicMa veve redo amiye bi sei yokoi nivakedo.And a magician (lit. 'performs magic person') worships one god.
yaumanansorcery/poison magic performed using the power of evil spirits; treatment.Ina yaku amiye di mokena moi forovai regamo, ini yaumana regamo dudu.He was confusing people's thinking, with his doing sorcery/magic. buniunspec. comp. formwhite magic using supernatural forces to make impossible things happen.Sesere be bi yaumana buni di.Some chants are part of white magic.yaumana foreunspec. comp. formcnfetish, potion.Yaumana fore bi ini vava nufa.Fetishes have power.yaumana nounspec. comp. formblack magicDamu bi yaumana no di.Doom is part of black magic.