
akekeadjspecial; sacred, holy, and therefore taboo or forbidden, requiring honour and pleasing behaviours to be shown, otherwise danger can result.Mina gabu bi akeke tora.This place is very forbidden/special/taboo. ninaunspec. comp. formcvbecome/be holy.Ye mina bi Sei di ura dudu ya mina akeke niyaganedi.So this is that through God's desire you might become holy.akeke renaunspec. comp. formcvrespect; avoid to show respect.Mina bi akeke regamadi sana.This is a place that was respected/avoided.
goro1golo1ntaboo; restriction, prohibition.Mathias yaku ini mida di goro ekeyo.Mathias opened up his son's taboo (now releasing him from the restrictions he was under since his son's death, as the time has now been completed).Bi gua goro fereyadi.They have now left what indicates/marks the restrictions.Also has spiritual implications. rinaunspec. comp. formcvrestrict; forbid, be taboo.Beika konori goro rigedi bi omari yaku ka goro rigo.What you will forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven.
kikifaadjhonoured; special, holy, taboo, separated, respected, reverenced, hallowed, fasted from, avoided.Mina sana bi kikifa kono ye yi yuka ro kokiya re.This is holy ground so take your sandals off. renaunspec. comp. formcvhonour; respect, fast from, avoid, be selective, keep sacred/holy.Amiye tora kikifa re, adina ini ago bi mokena buni dudu ya nido.Respect your elders, because their word speaks with wisdom.Ya bi iruku iri kikifa reisa, dada yi rovaita roroa nido.You are very selective in eating, so you are losing weight.Ya bi yi rovaita kikifa de reisa.You are not keeping your body sacred (because you are eating forbidden foods).
tabuadjspecial, sacred, holy, prohibited, taboo, forbidden, illegal, restricted.Minari mamo Urava Raku ya sisina reyo sana bi tabu vo nidedi.And then there at the place where Urava Raku's legend took place they have called it taboo/prohibited.Aire sori bi tabu gaganiri amededi.Humanlike spirits live in the spirit place. mokaunspec. comp. formdeep water spirit/taboo place near Amuraika village.Tabu moka okisi rafeyadiri, ari amuta nisi itu aura neyo.When they came and bathed at Deep Water taboo place, the day grew calm and a cold wind came down.tabu nimoi vava renaunspec. comp. formbelieve, trust.Tabu nimoi vava ga rebifa.Don't believe/trust (lit. 'say getting heat/authority/power') in the spirit place.
Vaya mokacndeep water spirit place near Kasonomu village, taboo place.Vaya mokari dofou amedo.There are dofou fish in Vaya deep water spirit place.