
adikunanpillow, cushion.Ina bi ini ada adikuna aesi vanagi fufuta ro varegamo.He lay his head on a pillow and was sleeping in the back of the boat.
bedinbedNoel nai baiburu bedi odoro moi de.Noel bring my Bible that's on top of the bed.
ekamaeka1nmat, bed.Resi bi ina ini varedo ekamasa moi feidei neyadi.And they let the man down, lying on his mat.unspec. var.eka25.1.1.3Bedekama foreunspec. comp. formcnbeddingDadisi bi ekama fore ae mona re.Wake up and organise the bedding.
faraninblanketItu tora gade ma farani bou ri.It is very cold so cover up with a blanket.
gedanmat, bed.Gauka vene taoni idari uakaisi geda fafau ae feregamadi.They were carrying sick people into the town's streets and on mats and leaving them there.
rokotanbedNai rokotari baisi varefa.Come and sleep in my bed.