5.2.3. Types of food

ari feyo kanacnfatMina dona bi ari feyo kana.This pig has a lot of fat/is fat.
asika1adjshriveled up/inedible (yam, taro or sweet potato).Kono no dada ma bani asika.Because the ground was bad the yams were shriveled up.5.2.3Types of food
baguru1ngreens, cabbage.Na bi baguru, tauga, mava moisi okiyaka.I brought greens, bananas and coconuts. from leaves
barunaibika; greens.Nai baru murori variyaka.I planted my greens/aibika in the garden. from leaves
beredinbreadAmiye beredi duma reyo adina rauna reyo.The man stole the bread because he was hungry. from seedsberedi yisiti de feidenaunspec. comp. formunleavened breadBeredi yisiti de feidena di irakuna bi meda remanu maka niyo mina irakuna regedi di.There were only two more days until the unleavened bread festival.
bunikabuni'a1nfat, grease.Bunikasa itari moisi origedi.They will put it on the fire and burn it with the fat.Uka esikoko yabo meko irisi bunika niyo.The possum ate the esikoko seeds and got fat.unspec. var.buni'a25.
ebokansaltEboka una youveideyo.We ran out of salt.
fainaforofainafu2fainap2npineappleUni fainaforo muro dona ya esei riyo.Our pineapple garden was destroyed by a pig.Fainafu marada yaku boi tavoi tavoi rededi.The old pineapples are growing wild.Mina fainap bi safi.This pineapple is sweet.unspec. var.fainafu1fainap15. from fruit
faravanflourNa bi ya niyaka raisi bona farava bi beika resi be ferena de reyo?Why didn't you leave some rice and flour like I told you? from seeds
gemisongreaseTai yabo gemiso dudu firu bodedi.They are climbing the greasy tai tree/pole.
girisingrease, oil.Ya girisi koina idu ma ya ura bi udo origiya.You don't have any grease but you want to bake bread. oil
ibiyakan1African tulip tree.Mina dura bi ibiyaka ro dudu riyadi.This net bag is made with tulip tree bark.1.5.1Tree2tips/greens.Bosi ibiyaka karu be kima refa.Go and pick some young tips/greens. from leaves
katonmashed steamed foodKato bi safi; iri.The mashed steamed food is tasty; eat it. foodkato renaunspec. comp. formcvmash, scratch off, scrape.Nai nono maniga kato resi ota oriyo.My mother mashed the cassava and cooked it in stone.
kofi1ncoffeeNa kofi abatasa irigida.I drink coffee with milk.
lolirori2nlolly/lollipop; candy, sweets.Kuku, ramena, bona loli ka moiyadi.They got tobacco, salt, and also lollies.unspec. var.rori15.2.3.4Prepared food
okuanstew, soup, gravy, spicy dish, sauce.Mina okua guta de reyo.This stew isn't good. food
raisinriceNa bi ya niyaka raisi bona farava, bi beika resi be ferena de reyo?I told you to have some rice and flour, why didn't you leave some? from seeds
reiron1red ant species.Reiro buri ekegifa.We will eat rice (lit. 'we will break open the red ant nest'; cf., sense below).Idiomatic1.6.1.7Insect2riceIna vene yaku reiro iriyadi.They ate the rice.Based on similarity between red ant eggs and grains of rice. from seedsreiro feidenaunspec. comp. formcvshow respect to spirits at end of planting season.Bi reiro feideyo.Respect was shown to the spirits.Idiomaticreiro gagabaunspec. comp. formcnslim waistMina rema vevo, reiro gagaba buni.Look at that woman, she has a good slim waist.Idiomatic
ramenansaltIruku bi ramenasa irigiya bi guta.Food that you eat with salt is good.
sugansugarNa bi suga koina niyo, ye be na mafo.My sugar has run out, so give me some more.
tavaranaibikaTavara bi baguru guta.Aibika are good greens. from leavestavara renaunspec. comp. formcvfeed on greensBi mina mamoe nomu ini tavara rededi sanari ferego.He will leave the sheep in their greens feeding plain.
tinifisintin fishTauga tinifisisa keifo refa.Mix the banana with the tin fish. from animals
tinteaYa bi ti abatasa irigiya ba?Will you drink your tea with milk?
vaisiyaunstew, soup.Nono, baba ma mida mida ameinu resi aka, buko, oyevani, iruku ma vaisiyausa irisifa ada dudu.The mothers, fathers, and children sit and then with happiness we are eating food and stew. food
waininwineWaini bi ru.The wine is bitter. beveragewaini mekounspec. comp. formcngrape.Rama amiye yaku waini meko bi imiye tafari butu de regedi.Indeed people don't harvest grapes amongst thornbushes.waini meko itei rina di kono rubaunspec. comp. formwinepressWaini meko itei rina di kono ruba goesi ota rina vene di fata riyo.He dug a wine press and built a watchtower.waini meko murounspec. comp. formcnvineyardUriyaku neyori ini waini meko muro rofu amiye moimai reyaganedi bosi moigo.When it dawned he went to get people to work his vineyard.waini safi de ruunspec. comp. formvinegarSipanisi moisi waini safi de ru dudu vata baiyo.He took a sponge and filled it with vinegar.
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