9.2.7. Interjections

aeeae1intrjoh, o, ho.Aee, ya gokai reyadi!Oh, what's wrong with you guys/what's up with you!unspec. var.ae29.2.7Interjections
aiintrjhey, wow; exclamation of greeting.Ai, Gabriel, ya mini?Hey, Gabriel, is that you?9.2.7Interjections
aisointrjwowE, aiso yafuyafu buni yo.Oh, wow, what a nice breeze.9.2.7Interjections
aiyointrjan exclamation; oh, o, behold.Baba yi roka niyaka, 'Aiyo baba!'Father, I said your name as, 'Oh father!'Aiyo, na bi yi beika ura reisa regika deyaka mini.Behold, I came down to do your will (lit. 'what you wanted').9.2.7Interjections
amiyointrjwow, behold; exclamation of surprise.Amiyo, mina bi amiye kaere maina resifa ba?Wow, isn't this the man for whom we are looking?9.2.7Interjections
aointrjwow, oh; exclamation of surprise.Ao, ya mini ba?Oh, is that you?9.2.7Interjections
eeeo2ei2vocvocative or exclamation; oh, ah, o.Ari koronari dadisa e.At the day's dawn you get up, ah.Mina dada, Mathias e, nai ago neide!Therefore, oh Mathias, listen to whtat I have to say!Eeo, ya veyo ba de?Oh, have you seen him?unspec. var.eeo1ei19.2.7Interjections
o2vocvocative; oh.Baba o, baba o, baba, goivaka be nigida?Father oh, father oh, father, when will I say that?9.2.7Interjections
oeintrjattention particle; hey, yes.Ya raka nido; 'oe' ni.He is calling you; say 'hey'.9.2.7Interjections
pilisiintrjpleasePilisi Tomi e nono mokevo.Please Tomi think about mother.9.2.7Interjections