rudanfighting, violence, attack, rebellion, fierceness.Minari bi kono vene tau bi Sei di ini nemokori no regamadima gagani kono tora bi ruda imi yaku ri vai reyo.There the people of the earth were corrupt in God's sight, and it was filled with fighting and violent people.4.8.2Fightruda amiyeunspec. comp. formcnfighter, warrior, soldier, troop.Ina be ruda amiye tora iniye.He was a very great warrior.ruda redo amiyeunspec. comp. formsoldierRuda redo amiye ina rofu niyori, muyeyo mamo, kamini ina rofu niyo bi rovaita moigi digo.When the soldier told him that he was dead, then he told him to go and get the body.ruda renaunspec. comp. formcvfight (against), compete against, be in conflict with, oppose, resist, hinder.Adena ugamadi fuofuori ruda reyadi.While dancing they were fighting.ruda veneunspec. comp. formcnsoldiersRuda vene di tora tora ma raka nisi irakuna ina rofu maro.He called the leading soldiers and gave them a feast.