utautarinmiddle, half, amongst.Gagani yokoi uta okusi iniye iniye berou berou are resi ruda rego vonisi bi berou berou keto rego.If one place breaks in the middle and each side fights against each other they will fall apart.Botolo yokoi bau reyo, idu koru bi utari maka.He found a bottle, but it was only half full of water.8.6.5Middleutari naivo amiyeunspec. comp. formmediatorUtari naivo amiye dudu amiye yokoi maka moimai de rego.Through a mediator only one person will not work.uta tobouunspec. comp. formin the middleUta tobouri maka ameyo.He was just in the middle.utamaunspec. comp. form1n2in half/the middle.Mina vene yaku utama ya okugedi.These people will divide you in half.Mina naivo amiye di ini rovaita utama nugago.He will cut his body in the middle.