remalema1nwoman; female, wife, bride.Ina bi rema tora.She is an older woman.Nai rema bi gauka reyo.My wife was sick.unspec. var.lema22.6.5.2Womanrema baku renaunspec. comp. formdateRumana mida nesi rema baku reyaine di sina nifeideyo.The boy sent word down to a woman to come and date (lit. 'meet') him.rema di gaukaunspec. comp. formmenstrual periodRema yokoi bi lagani tuero rema di gauka guraugamo.One woman was suffering for twelve years from menstrual bleeding.rema (di) ukeunspec. comp. formginger species used in love magic chant/spell.Ya rema di uke be ba ide ya usa nida be na ma?Do you have any woman's ginger that I can ask you to give me?rema keikaunspec. comp. formsmall girlRema keika, nono ni kumo deyaine.Little girl, tell mother to come.rema mego amiyeunspec. comp. formbridegroomRema mego amiye moi digedi minari mamo ini vene iruku oyo regedi.The bridegroom will then be taken away and then his people will fast.rema mesi ferenaunspec. comp. formdivorceRema mesi fereyo di oteimana ago mini.Here is the teaching on divorce.rema midaunspec. comp. formcngirl, daughter, female child.Ini vana moisi raka nisi niyo, 'Rema mida keika, dadi!'He took her hand and called out saying, 'Little girl, get up!'rema rumanaunspec. comp. formcnpeople, couple.Kamini bi yavari dairiyoma rema rumana dubusa egogo reyadi.Then he returned to the house and again people gathered.remasa varenaunspec. comp. formcvhave sex/sleep with a woman.Rumana vene ka makai, remasa varena vegu fufuta magamadi.The men did likewise, rejecting sex with women's practice.rema vei ada amiyeunspec. comp. formwomanizerAlex bi rema vei ada amiye.Alex is a womanizer.rema toraunspec. comp. formadult/older/elderly woman.Rema tora tora tau gade ka vakoi kefe riyadi.Also very many older women sided with them.rema veneunspec. comp. formcnwomenEyo gauka bi rema vene di gauka.Menstruation is women's sickness.rema voiunspec. comp. formcnbride priceEra varuka dogo refo rema voi adena totona.Prepare your traditional costumes for the bride price dance.rema voi renaunspec. comp. formcvpay bride priceSenagi tora vene yaku rema rumana mesi ini gokai dudu rema voi regamadi.Before the elders married people and this is how they were paying bride price.