irina1i2veat; drink, consume, ingest, partake, smoke.Iri iri koina niyori varegi neyo.When he finished eating he went down to sleep.Mida rua vene mina iroka ma koru no mina irakunari ga iriyagane.Those young boys must not smoke or drink alcohol at this feast.Moimai bi itafu redo, rema yaku fore irido.He works for nothing, his wife spends the money.unspec. var.i35.2.2Eatiri moudenaunspec. comp. formswallowIdu kono yaku rema aedesi ini vena kifa risi koru siya ini venari erausi reyo mina iri moudeyo.But the earth helped the woman and opened its mouth and swallowed the water/river that had poured out of the dragon's mouth.iri venaunspec. comp. formtasteMa iri veyo, idu irina ura de reyo.And he tasted it, but he did not want to eat/drink it.irina2unspec. comp. formedible; (for) eating, permitted to eat.Irina bani bi yomini.The edible yams are over there.Ini irakuna irina meda bi baeyadi.Their feast eating days had come.Ma ini irina iruku ka de dogo reyadi.And they also didn't prepare their food for eating.irina deunspec. comp. form1inedible; prohibited to eat.Amiye, irina ma irina de vibani konori iyana rededi beika baika muye vau reyadi.People, and whatever edible and inedible animals crawl on the earth all died.Mibi irina de iruku.This is prohibited food.2spend/waste money.Ini rema toga fore irigamo.His wife was always spending money.