mainanlooking/searching for, seeking, hunting, investigating.Koina niyori furisi kanisoro afesi sufa rofu rautu vene maina baiyo.Once he finished this, he took guns and councillors to the bush and came searching for village people.Kaere ya na ota rigoma ima maina digida?Who will escort me and I will go and look for betel nut?7.6.1Searchmaina renaunspec. comp. formcvlook/search for, seek, hunt.Mina sogona buni (golo ma siriva) maina reyadi.They were looking for treasure (gold and silver).Ya bi erena maina reisa.You are hunting birds.Ya bi goidu di eva ni ameisama ya raka ni maina resifa.Where were you all this time and we were calling and seeking you?maina rena sesereunspec. comp. formcnhunting chant/spell.Mina amiye bi maina rena sesere ina diba.This person knows about hunting chants.