moinavget; take, hold, have, acquire, receive, come up, inheritMeino moisi rautu neinei furisi ma kanisoro aiyo.He got peace in each village and placed a councillor.Yi fore moisi bo.Take your pay and go.Meda moiyori vari vari regedi.They will plant when the sun comes up.The verb moi is very prolific in verb serialisation and compound verb formation. Compound verb formation is realised in the following forms: moi adjnct V (ae/bae/mar/ni/re/ri/u), while verb serialisation is realised in the following: moi V (V), moi adjnct V and moi (adjnct) [adjnct V] (V). The verbs re 'do' and ri 'make' are the most common verbs used in both of these constructions. On first glance it would appear that re 'do' and ri 'make' seem to provide an intransitive-transitive distinction respectively, but more likely a less-more (cause to- make) distinction, so that using ri emphasizes the proposition. All forms are listed together to ease in finding them, as they can then be maintained in strict alphabetical order. There are currently 190 subentries listed below.7.4.3Getmoi ada renaunspec. comp. formplease, favour, make happy.Dui resi adena usi ina ini okiyadi venesa di uka moi ada reyo.She entered and danced pleasing him and his adaka rinaunspec. comp. formpull apartYe ina bi eta remanuri moi adaka riyo.And so he is pulled in two ainaunspec. comp. formput (down).Kamini boromakau di iruku iridedi mauari moi aiyo.So she put him down in a feeding aedenaunspec. comp. formcomfort, give aid/help.Ini adina ini iriyedukari rofu moi aedego!Because in his mercy he will comfort!moi afu renaunspec. comp. form1calm, cool off.Ina yaku itu aura moi afu reyo.He caused the storm to calm down.2break down, damage.Mina jeimisi yaku rovaita di reremama ma yeiva moi afu redo.This virus causes the body's working and strength to break akeke renaunspec. comp. formprefer, make special.Ya bi meda be, eyo be, ari be ma lagani be moi akeke rededi.You cause/prefer some days, some months, some seasons and some years to be akeke rinaunspec. comp. formsanctify; make special/holy.Ago rama dudu ina vene moi akeke ri.Sanctify them by the amuta renaunspec. comp. formappease; console, comfort, soothe, cool (down), satisfy, be at peace with.Ini uka siko moi amuta reyadi.First they appeased him.Ina uka de moi amuta reyagane.Her heart will not be consoled.Nai afiye moi amuta reyaine.He should soothe/cool my tongue....yaku moi amuta resi......he caused them to be at peace are renaunspec. comp. formstand (up).Vabara ina rofu nigo, kaere yaku keto renari ya moi are rego.Glory to him who when falling will cause you to atafu rinaunspec. comp. formdraw nearBi Sei rofu una moi atafu rido.And so through it we are drawn near to ave rinaunspec. comp. formtame, subdue, domesticate.Amiye nokoi de ina moi ave rina.No one could subdue babo rinaunspec. comp. formsilence, quiet, make silent/quiet.Mina vene bi moi babo riyaine.You must make these people bainaunspec. comp. formbring (up).Iruku moi baiyagadu, to vana fare reyaka dada.I should have brought the food, but my hands were beku renaunspec. comp. formpush awayIna yaku na moi beku reyo.He pushed me bere rinaunspec. comp. formquiet downKamini ina yaku raka nidedi mina nivaisi moi bere riyo.Then he stopped the shouting and quieted them bisu renaunspec. comp. formthrow (out), dump, hide.Varuka gokai resi minari moi bisu re fereyadi?Why did you dump the clothes here?moi biyoka renaunspec. comp. formpluck, tear (out), scrape.Yi vana yaku nai nemoko moi biyoka reyo.You scraped my eyes with your hand.Ma yi nemoko yaku ya moi vegu no rofu ourefeidego vonisi, moi biyoka resi maku!And if your eyes lead you to sin, cause them to be plucked out and thrown away!moi boiyo renaunspec. comp. formloseNai nono di kasire moi boiyo reyaka sumari.I lost my mother�s bush knife in the bonaunspec. comp. formleadMa mina vegu no yaku muyena de moi bogo.And this sin doesn't lead to boka renaunspec. comp. formopen wideIduara moi boka rei fereyoma naguma dui rededi.You opened the door wide and the flies are coming bokona rinaunspec. comp. formpartially eatYuani oro yaku iri moi bokona riyadi.The flying fox ate the breadfruit and left it half buni renaunspec. comp. formcause to prosperUni Sei rofu usa usa nisifa, ina yaku ya vene di vegu moi buni reyainedi.We pray to our God that he causes your life to buni rinaunspec. comp. formheal, make well.Ina bi amiye tau gade moi buni rigamo.He was healing very many bunika rinaunspec. comp. formfatten, make fat.Yi vibani kana umuyena ari baigo rofu ya kaya yi ukari moi bunika riyadi.You have made yourselves fat for the day of buo renaunspec. comp. formswingMida moi buo re kumo vareyaine.Swing the child and then he'll burefe rinaunspec. comp. formmake bestIna yaku deda tau moi burefe rido.He makes all things the burivai renaunspec. comp. formentangleBi dubusa di no yaku ina moi burivai resi ourefeidego.They will again be entangled and ruled by their dadinaunspec. comp. formlift (up).Ye mina rema rofu bosi ini vana moisi moi dadiyo.So he went to this woman, took her hand and lifted her dairinaunspec. comp. formreturn; give/get/bring back.Idu ina yaku notoka na moi dairiyo.But he brought me back dairi ainaunspec. comp. formput/take back.Mina biyo bi moiyo sanari moi dairi ae.Put this cup back in the place where you got denaunspec. comp. formbringNoel nai baiburu bedi odoro moi de.Noel bring my Bible on top of the dinaunspec. comp. formtake/sweep (away).Ga nevo, koru yaku ya moi digo baebu.You shouldn't go down there, lest the water will sweep/wash you diba rinaunspec. comp. formmake knownIdu ini Baba di ini eta rofu amedo amiye yaku Sei yokoi maka moi diba riyo.But the one at his Father's side has made known the only one dikina renaunspec. comp. formmake muddyMiya desi kono moi dikina reyo.The rain fell and made the place dou renaunspec. comp. formmoisten, get wet.Moi dou regiya ma yi ara fafa rigiya.Moisten them and cover your sores with dou rinaunspec. comp. formwater; make/get wet.Koru furufuru rei baiga kono moi dou rigamo.The creek was winding through and then watered the dui renaunspec. comp. formbring in, receive, welcome, greet.Idu amiye tau gade dada mina amiye ina rofu moi dui rena bi anua reyadi.But because there were very many people they could not bring this man in to him.Dada evade soka resi ini yavari ada dudu moi dui reyo.So he came down quickly and joyful received him into his house.Ye, ya yaku mokegiya na yi asini vonisi bi na moi dui regiya kana, ina ka makai re.So, if you consider me your friend as you welcome me, also do so to ediko renaunspec. comp. formpushIdu ini vana ebuna dudu bi moi ediko regi ura de rededi.Yet they themselves do now want to push them with their erau renaunspec. comp. formexpose, disclose, reveal; manifest out in open.Sui risi varedo; mina moi erau re.It is hidden; expose erausi renaunspec. comp. formpour outDisi koru mina moi erausi re.Go and pour water out of erika renaunspec. comp. formpull outSosogi moi erika re.Pull out the eriya renaunspec. comp. formselect, take one by one.Mina vene moi eriya regika soka reyaka.I came to select these erokoko renaunspec. comp. formdrag (out).Ina bi maruka iniye ya uboga dega rei moi erokoko reyo.She was beaten badly by her husband and dragged eruaka renaunspec. comp. formrenew, beautify, make beautiful.Ma ini roaita moi eruaka regasa ini maruka di ago neidegamadi.And when they were beautifying themselves they were obeying their erufu renaunspec. comp. formforgive, release from, take away.Adina una ka amiye tau di vegu no una rofu rededi moi erufu resifa.For we also forgive everyone who sins against us.Uni vegu no moi erufu resi buni de vegu resifa rofu una moi ruaka rigo.He will take away/release us from our sin so that he cleanses our esika renaunspec. comp. formcause trouble/offence, harm.Ya bi beika baika tau resi yi ada moi esika resi mokena tau tora moisa.You are troubling yourself and worrying about all these things.Makai bi uni ura de mina vene di uka bi ga moi esika renadi.We don't want to cause them offence like that.Ini ada nufa amiye moi esika rededi.They hurt/harm people with their (e)tae rinaunspec. comp. formremove, take aside.Yi donkey mina medari ini yavari moi etae risi koru usi maragadu.At that time you would remove your donkey from its stall and lead it to water to drink.Kamini moi etae risi nivai regamo.Then he took him aside and was rebuking (e)tae ri aenaunspec. comp. formput/set aside.Bi gabi usigida, moi etae ri aeyaka dada.I will get it later, so I put it (e)taga(e) rinaunspec. comp. formseparate, deliver (from), take apart/out of/away from.Idu amiye no rofu una moi etagae rivo.But deliver us from the evil eva rinaunspec. comp. formmislead, divert, confuse.Aire sori yaku ya moi eva riyo.The grotto spirit misled/confused evairo renaunspec. comp. formturn over; overturn.Muro rena sana di ini kono mina moi evairo evairo reyadi.They were turning over the gardening place's evaivo rinaunspec. comp. forminvert, turn over, overturn, cultivate.Fore senesi vene di teiboro ma pune erena sero rena vene di fata moi evaivo riyo.He overturned the money changers' tables and the dove bird sellers' evata rinaunspec. comp. formmake happenMa mina bi rebe kana kaere Sei di mokena kana de vene fafau moi evata rigo.And this is as a sign of what will be happening to the evegu renaunspec. comp. formenliven, revitalise, invigorate.Miya yaku uni muro moi evegu riyo.Rain revitalised our faga rinaunspec. comp. formseparate, open.Yuka moi faga riga amena bi ga re.Don't sit down with your legs open/ faraka renaunspec. comp. formsprinkle, shake.Koru moi faraka re; budoka tora niyo iniye.Sprinkle water; the dust is very feidenaunspec. comp. formsendYe dibo anua yuka kevo amiye bi ekama fafauri aisi moi feidei neyadi.So they placed the paralytic man on a mat and sent him feyara rinaunspec. comp. formflattenFarava moi feyara riga ori.Flatten the flour and fry fono renaunspec. comp. formcoverEyo maena ya varofa yabo moi fono reyo.Eyo vine covered the kwila forovai renaunspec. comp. formmess up, clear away.Desi moigediri, mida nigiya iruku moi bogediri ga moi forovai reyagane.When you will take them down, you will tell the children not to clear it all out while taking the food foyoma renaunspec. comp. formcrushYe atafuri uka amuta di Sei yi yuka rafo gabireri Satani moi foyoma rego.And/so soon the God of peace will crush Satan under your fudi renaunspec. comp. formslip through (fingers), drop (down)Mida moi fudi resi moi yareyo.The child slipped through and was dropped fudika renaunspec. comp. formbring to endAdina ina yaku ago gira di tu moi fudika reyo.For he has brought the law to an fufuta manaunspec. comp. formforgive, forget.Uni no moi fufuta ma.Forgive our fufuta renaunspec. comp. formsqueeze, break apart.Auri ini yukari moi fufuta regamo.He was squeezing the irons on his fui renaunspec. comp. formmix, mash.Rema yokoi yaku yisiti be moisi farava siua tora regodesa moi fui reyoma mina yisiti yaku farava mina moi urugo.A woman who mixed yeast into three big flour dishes and this yeast made the flour rise futu renaunspec. comp. formmake stumble/fall away from.Mina tau vakoi ya rofu niyaka, ye yi mokena vari gira aina rofu de moi futu regedi.I have told you all these things, so that you will not be made to stumble/fall away from your gabi dairinaunspec. comp. formborrowMa kaere ya rofu moigi gabi dairigo vo nigori, bi 'Ide' bi ga ni.And whoever will ask you to borrow, don't say 'No'.moi gaima rinaunspec. comp. formdistance, take aside/away (from).Dubusa ini amiye tuero moi gaima risi beika ina rofu vo nigo mina niyo.He again took his twelve men aside and told them what was going to happen to gigi rinaunspec. comp. formhold tightlyNa bi nai rumana di vana moi gigi riyaka.I held on tightly to my husband's gira kiki renaunspec. comp. formhold onto tenaciouslySena tora vene duakau bi vegu moi gira kiki reyo.During the time of our ancestors the custom was tenaciously held gira kiu renaunspec. comp. formhold onto firmlyBeika ago rama neidesifa rofu di moi gira kiu kiu rebinadi.That is why we must hold onto all the more firmly to the truths we have gira renaunspec. comp. formhold (onto); grab, keep, retain, arrest, seize.Makai reyo vesi rema regode yaku kodu doba moi feideyadima moi gira resi etagae riyafa.Like this I saw three women leave him with a long stick and we grabbed onto it and moved on.Uni vene moimai buni di mokena moi gira reyagane.Our people must hold on to good work's thinking.Bi de na moi gira reyadi.You did not arrest/seize gira rinaunspec. comp. formstrengthen, make strong, confirm, sustain, accept, keep, establish.Ago rama iniye moi gira riyadi di vene bi nai ago neideyadi.The very true word strengthened the people who listened to my gogo renaunspec. comp. formjoin; cohere, gather together.Arefa moi gogo resi ukita ri gira re.Gather the sugarcane together and tie it up idana rinaunspec. comp. form(make) change.Yi mokena moi ruaka rina dudu yi vegu moi idana rifa.Change your practices by the renewing of your thinking/ ifi renaunspec. comp. formcaress, wipe.Ini isaka ne koru dudu ini yuka moi dou regi kora resi ini ada iye dudu moi ifi regamo.She wet his feet with her tears and she was wiping them with her inuka renaunspec. comp. formstir upKoru sofuko bi dona yaku moi inuka reyadi.The pigs stirred up dirty water in the isaka rinaunspec. comp. formmake cryIsaka ni okuga na moi isaka riyo.When she cried out it made me cry isinaunspec. comp. formblow upKeriya fui resi yabo iye moi isiyo.The whirlwind blew up all the tree isira renaunspec. comp. formjoke (with).Idu amiye bi ina moi isira resi yoga nigamadi.But the people were joking and laughing at kafita rinaunspec. comp. formsoftenIna yaku etei risi moi kafita rigo.He will stamp on them and soften kakaita rinaunspec. comp. formsqueeze, squish.Na moi kakaita riyo.I squished kake rinaunspec. comp. formstick to, adhere, cohere, join.Kurabo ona yaku moi kake ri.Stick it on with rosewood kekevaita unaunspec. comp. formreject, disown, refuse, push aside, repudiate, deny, disobey.Ini ago bi moi kekevaita usi bi ini ura bi dairigedi.They rejected his word and wanted to return.Mina dada mina ago bi yokoi yaku moi kekevaita ide usi digo.Therefore these words no one can refuse to kekevata unaunspec. comp. formdestroy, ruin, devastate, lay waste, collapse.Uni totova yava bi aura tora yaku moi kekevata uyo.The big wind destroyed our little kenoka renaunspec. comp. formupset, disturb, revile, stir up, cause uproar/commotion.Ini uka moi kenoka reyadi ma boyadi ini varika amiye beika tau vata niyo mina nioteimaradi.They were upset and went to their boss and told him everything that had happened.Bi ina nesi amiye tau di uka moi kenoka regi kora reyadi.They came and started disturbing/reviling the crowd.Amiye tau di uka moi kenoka regi kora reyadi.They started stirring up the kero renaunspec. comp. formturn (into), translate.Ina yaku baba vene di uka moi kero regori, bi ini midasa uka yokoi maka dudu ameibigedi.When he will cause the hearts of the fathers to turn, they will be in agreement with their children.Minari sena koru moi kero resi waini riyo.There he had caused the water to turn into wine.Robert bi Koki ago moi kero rena di ini sisiba amiye.Robert is a knowledgeable person on keto renaunspec. comp. formcause to fall, lead astray.Mina mida yaku ina vene tau gade moi keto rego.This child will make many of these people fall.Amiye kaere di uka vari gira moi yau riyadi moi keto rededi.They lead astray those whose faith is kevo kavo renaunspec. comp. formmake crookedNai diba bi gaibana yaku moi kevo kavo reyo.My spear was made crooked by the kikifa renaunspec. comp. formsanctify, make holy.Ye amiye moi kikifa regika, bi taoni di biri etofarori esika esika moiyo.And so he suffered outside the town gate in order to cause the people to be sanctified/made kikifa rinaunspec. comp. formsanctify, make holy, honour.Adina moi kikifa riyo amiye ma kaere moi kikifa riyo ina tau vakoi bi Baba yokoi maka di.For the one who sanctified people and those whom he sanctified are all of just one Father.Ouresi beredi bado Sei rofu magori, mina beredi noibanu bi moi kikifa rigo.When the first piece of bread is given to God, then the whole bread will be made holy.Idu yi ukari moi kikifa rifa.But honour him in your kinikaka rinaunspec. comp. formopen up wide (with hands).Moi kinikaka ri.Open (it) up.Mina ara moi kinibaka ri.Open up the kino rinaunspec. comp. formdefile, make dirty, spoil.Idu beika amiye di ini rovaita gutuna yakugo yaku mina amiye moi kino rigo.But what comes out of a person's body will defile kita renaunspec. comp. formmoveKoru yaku nesi ini yava uyori de moi kita reyo.And when the water came down and hit his house it did not cause it to koina rinaunspec. comp. formfinish offKaufa ya nai murori baguru bi moi koina ridedi.The grasshopper is finishing off the greens in my kokofu renaunspec. comp. formlead astrayYe ini rema tau yaku moi kokofu reyadi.So his many wives led him kota ainaunspec. comp. formjudgeIni adina Sei yaku mena de vene ma mena vene koa regediri moi kota aigo.For God will judge unmarried and married people's sexual kukune renaunspec. comp. formmake rubbish/garbage.Yuani basu yare gabu moi kukune reyo.The breadfruit shoots fell and made a lot of garbage/ kumu rinaunspec. comp. formhold with fistMoi kumu risi moi bosi nono ma.Hold it in your closed hands and give it to kurevai renaunspec. comp. formroll (up/away).Kamini fore moi kurevai resi guri di ida vena biri riyo.And then he rolled a stone to block the entrance to the matuka renaunspec. comp. formadornYi buni buni bi etofaro rovaita moi matuka rededi de.Your beauty is not outside body maunu renaunspec. comp. formmake jealousVarika amiye moi maunu resi moi gubuyo regika regifa ba?Or do we want to cause the Lord to be jealous and angry?moi maunu rinaunspec. comp. formmake jealousYe makai reyaka, nai vene moi maunu rigi kumo Sei yaku bedakai moi vegu riyaine.And likewise I did, to make my people jealous that God would save some of mekuna renaunspec. comp. formcoilYabo imiye maena moi mekuna resi kini ada bou kana ini adari aiyadi.They coiled a thorn bush like a crown and placed it on his mokei rua renaunspec. comp. formremember, reflect.Va mokei rua rei ve.Try to watch and make you remember/ negau rinaunspec. comp. form1reveal, proclaim, bring out, draw near, provide.Mina rofu dudu, ina yaku ini mokena no moi sui ridedi, mina moi negau rigo.From this, he will reveal their bad hidden thoughts.Ye makai amiye tau vakoi rofu, ini buni tora gade moi negau rido.So thus his grace is brought near to all people.Ma ari neinei di gugura fore moi negau risi vare tavoi amei tavoi bi ga reyaganedi.And they must provide each day's necessities and not be lazy.Adina ago rama moi negau riyoma na yaku Sei di ago niogau reyaka dada.Because he proclaimed the true word and I preached God's word.2reproveIdu John yaku ini no moi negau rigamo.But John reproved him of his nimanaunspec. comp. formlet, hire, rent, give out.Mina vene no bi umuyei mona resi ini waini meko di muro bi nari rededi vene be fore moigika nimago.They will certainly kill those evil men and let the vineyard out to other ninika renaunspec. comp. formjoke aboutBi ada buro regasa moi ninika regamadi.While they were shaking their heads they were no renaunspec. comp. formdestroy, rubbish, trash, sidetrack, disgrace, deceive, make gloomy, disfigure.Satani di ini vegu no redo mina moi no regika deyo.He came in order to destroy/sidetrack Satan's evil work.Ya rofu nifafana resi yi roka moi no regedi.They will insult you and trash/disgrace you.Bi uniye moi no resifa, ma sina rama yokoi unasa de.We deceive ourselves, and no truth is in us.Ini ne uruma moi no rededi.They are making their faces gloomy/disfigured.Concrete, no rinaunspec. comp. formspoil, mar, destroy, disfigure, blaspheme, prevent.Mina yaduka vededi vene yi rafuri yaku iniye ini rovaita moi no riyadi.These people amongst you seeing dreams disfigured their bodies.Sei yaku amiye di vegu no tau ma roka moi no rina ago tau koitei makugo.God will forgive people's sins and blasphemy.John di ini moimai moi koina rina bi miya yaku moi no riyo.The rain prevented John from finishing his work.Abstract, nomu renaunspec. comp. formsettle; negotiate, reach an agreement.Mina ago moi nomu rena bi mokena forovai reyo.The word on settling/negotiating these matters was nomu rinaunspec. comp. form1flatten, make flat.Mina kono itubo goesi moi nomu rifa.Dig this hump and make it flat.2settle disputeEvade ya kaya yi uka moi nomu risi uka yokoi maka ni.Quickly settle disputes amongst yourselves and make odoro renaunspec. comp. formlift/pick/raise (up).Tora vene yaku moi odoro reyadi.The elders lifted/raised them up.Ini roka moi odoro re.Praise/glorify (lit. 'lift up') his name.Concrete, odoro rinaunspec. comp. formexalt, lift up.Idu kaere iniye moi odoro rigo bi Sei yaku moi ave nigi rigo ma kaere iniye ave nigo bi Sei yaku moi odoro rigo.But whoever exalts himself God will humble and whoever humbles himself God will ogau rinaunspec. comp. formreveal, show, unveil, disclose, expose.Ini vana yaku ini yeiva bi sena moi ogau riyo.His arm has already revealed his okinaunspec. comp. formbringMina dona moi okisi ini rema maro.He brought this pig and gave it to his ourenaunspec. comp. formmake firstKare muro siko moi ouresi mina eyo bi na kare irigida.I made the taro garden first and then this month I�ll be eating rafo rinaunspec. comp. formexpandMina sina ni moi rafo ri.Expand these raga renaunspec. comp. formrun with/over, command.Ina yaku amiye fafau ini vava moi raga rededi.They command people under them with their rama ainaunspec. comp. formfulfill, make true.Makai niyo, ini ago moi rama aiyo.In so saying, his word was rama rinaunspec. comp. formjustify, triumph/have victory over.Ya bi nai tuma vene rofu na moi rama rigiya bi buni!It would be good that you will justify me before my opponent!moi rausi renaunspec. comp. formpour (out/over/on).Moi fui resi amiye di ada moi rausi regamadi.It was mixed and poured over a person's rivo rinaunspec. comp. formimpregnateMoi rivo riyo.She was roge renaunspec. comp. formhold looselyMoi roge re kumo eruyaine.Loosen it that it may peel roko rinaunspec. comp. formdry/wipe up.Vegu yabo moi roko risi roko yabo moi vegu rigida.I will make the living tree dry up and cause the dry tree to rorobo rinaunspec. comp. formstraighten, make straight, rectify, organise, settle account, discipline. prove.Varika amiye di ida dogo resi ini dibo ida moi rorobo rifa.Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight the path for him to travel.Mina moi rorobo rigi kora reyo.He began to settle these things.Ma iniye moi rorobo rido amiye.And he is a self-disciplined person.Ina bi Sei di ago moi rorobo riyo.He proved God's rorotari renaunspec. comp. formjudgeYa kaya ni moi rorotari refa.Judge roto rinaunspec. comp. formstretch/hold out.Meda doba ideri de neidesi ruda rededi vene rofu nai vana moi roto rigamaka.All day long I was holding out my hands to disobedient and rebellious ruaka rinaunspec. comp. formpurify, cleanse, make clean/new.Ma amiye kaere bi iniye di mina iniye moi ruaka riyo.And he purified people for himself.Ya ura reisa vonisi, ya yaku na moi ruaka rigiya.If you want, you will make new/cleanse rutu renaunspec. comp. formpull (toward/apart), drag.Bi varuka ruaka moi rutu regoma varuka kori uvesi regoma ruba moi tora nigo.The new cloth will cause it to be pulled apart and come away from the old cloth and make the hole safi renaunspec. comp. formimproveRobert yaku rautu vene gokai sina bura rena ma moi safi rena di ini ida una nioteimaro.Robert taught the people how to write stories and the way to improve safi rinaunspec. comp. formmake tastyGokai dudu ini safi dubusa moi safi rigiya?How will you make it tasty again?moi seko sako renaunspec. comp. formcause to shake violently, tremble in death.Vima no yaku mina amiye moi seko sako reyo.The evil spirit caused this man to shake siboroka renaunspec. comp. formdisturb, cause commotion/uproar.Keresimisi bi miya ya moi siboroka reyo.Christmas was disturbed by the rain.Mirona ituari bi moi siboroka tora iniye reyadi.At that time there was a very big uproar/ sikori renaunspec. comp. formdisturb, destroy.Amiye okisi amena tarua moi sikori reyadi.The people came to the settling place and disturbed us.Aura reyo, idu moi siko de reyo.It was windy, but it didn't destroy (anything).moi siroko renaunspec. comp. formswingMida moi siroko re, ada rego ine.Swing the child, so that he'll be soka renaunspec. comp. formbring (in), take down/off, offload.Ga mokefa na mina konori deyaka bi uka amuta moi soka reyaka.Don't think that I came to this world to bring peace.Ini rovaita moi soka resi mina varuka dudu kumu riyo.He took his body down and wrapped it in this cloth.Seriri boyafa, mironari bouti di ini gugura fore moiyo mina moi soka regi.We went ashore, where the boat's cargo was to be soroka renaunspec. comp. formcapsize, dump out.Feta moi soroka rei yareyaine.Capsize the basket so they will fall sui rinaunspec. comp. formdeny, hide.Ago rama ni, ga moi sui ri.Tell the truth, don't deny tae renaunspec. comp. formstop, prevent.Mina yaku naguma yi ara rofu moi tae rego.This will stop flies from getting to your tafo renaunspec. comp. formbillow, slosh, spill, swell.Ma aura tora okisi koru moka tora moi tafo tafo reyo.And then a strong wind came up and the water was swelling/ taga rinaunspec. comp. formtake awayIna baiyo bi vegu no moi taga rigi.He came in order to take away tagaga rinaunspec. comp. formmoveYi yuka moi taga ri.Move your tai renaunspec. comp. formbrush aside, overlook, look past.Ini toro renari sena reyadi vegu no moi tai reyo dada.Because in his patience he overlooked taniga renaunspec. comp. formsqueezeSiforo moi taniga re.Squeeze the lime/ tanu manaunspec. comp. formadd to, increase, give more.Ya rofu nida, amiye kaere ini beika baika nufa, bi moi tanu mago.I tell you, whatever a person has, he will be given tanu renaunspec. comp. formcvfill upAmiye kaere ini beika nufa bi moi tanu rego.Whoever has will be filled up (with more).moi tau rinaunspec. comp. formincrease, be fruitful, harvest, make plentiful.Iruku moi tau rigi redediThey harvest the food.Uni moi tau riyo.He made up plenty for tavoi renaunspec. comp. formdo worthlessly/in vain/uselessly/haphazardly, extort.Bi duma duma ma moi tavoi redo amiye.He is a thief and a worthless person.Amiye rofu fore moi tavoi ga refa.Don't extort/take people's teraunaunspec. comp. formsmashMoi terau kumo muyeyaine.Smash it and then it will toe rinaunspec. comp. formoffend, cause to stumble.Idu mina ago rofu mokena moi toe riyo.But he was offended by these tora rinaunspec. comp. formextend, enlarge, increase.Mina vegu reyori bi ini no dubusa moi tora risi dibura yavari aiyo.When he had done these things, his evil increased, and he put him in jail.Uni mokena vari gira aina ya rofu moi tora ri.Increase/enlarge our tore renaunspec. comp. formprepare, make ready.Vanagi yokoi moi tore reyaganedi.They should prepare one torufuka renaunspec. comp. formreleaseSabatiri moi torufuka de regiya.On the Sabbath you will release tovo rinaunspec. comp. formtransformYe beika bi toga vegu ameibobigo yaku beika muyego moi tovo rigo.So that what is mortal will be transformed by eternal tumu renaunspec. comp. formshorten, lessen, diminish, reduce, cut short.Ye Varika amiye yaku mirona ari no moi tumu reyagadu.So the Lord should shorten/cut short those bad tururu renaunspec. comp. formshake, tremble; be startled/surprised/shocked/astounded/amazed.Naivo naivo vima megeari moi turu rei edadigasa ago niyo.The angel shook his shoulder, woke him up and spoke to him.Kamini vima no yaku mina amiye moi turu turu tau gade reyo rofu.And then the evil spirit caused the man to tremble very ufara renaunspec. comp. formsmash, grind or break apart small items.Fore dudu moi ufara reibigedi.They will smash them with ufu renaunspec. comp. formmake windy, blow away.Aura yaku moi ufu reyo.The wind caused it to be windy.Nai sogona bi aura yaku moi ufu rei diyo.My clothes were blown away by the uganaunspec. comp. formwipe (away).Yi uruma bidoka moi uga.Wipe your nose urafo renaunspec. comp. formpour out, scatter, displace, misplace.Sei yaku ini uka noibanu dudu ini Vima kikifa una fafau moi urafo reyo.God with his whole heart poured out his Holy Spirit upon uroro renaunspec. comp. formdo away withIna yaku mina sina moi uroro reyo.He did away with these urunaunspec. comp. formmake swell/multiply, rise up, expand.Mina bi beredi farava moi uruna gauna.This is something to make bread flour rise up/ usase renaunspec. comp. formuncoverAura yaku moi usase reyo.The wind caused it be uturimo renaunspec. comp. formunravel, separate, cause to come apart.Bi amiye moi uturimo resi okuyo amiye.He is a person who causes people to be vabara renaunspec. comp. formshineMeda yaku moi vabara reyo.The sun vabara rinaunspec. comp. formreveal, make clear, enlighten.Ye mina yaku moi vabara riyo ina tau vakoi bi uni de.So this reveals that they all together were not vainaunspec. comp. formfire up, make burn, stoke, ignite/provoke (controversy).Amiye yaku moi vaina ma neidena de.People ignite controversy and don't listen.Amiye yokoi yaku ina vene moi vaigo, dada koru dudu babatiso de moigedi.Someone will provoke these people so that they will not be baptised with vana renaunspec. comp. formgive hand to; help, aid, assist.Ni kumo na moi vana reyaine!Tell her to give me a hand!Bi ini moi vana rededi vene.They are their helpers/ varika rinaunspec. comp. formmake chief/ruler, assign kingdom.Nai Baba yaku na moi varika riyo.My Father (God) made me vata bainaunspec. comp. formfillBotoro bi koru moi vata baifa.Fill up the jars/bottles with vata renaunspec. comp. formstruggle, want, desire.Moi vata regika duri reyo.He really wants/struggles to get vata rinaunspec. comp. formmake appear, produce.Sei rofu usa nida beika vegu tau reisa mina yaku buni moi vata riyainedi.I pray to God that in all the practices all may go/appear well with you.Ye mina muro yaku iruku tora gade moi vata riyo.So this garden produced very much vataru renaunspec. comp. formplaceMironari bi fore dudu riyadi botoro koru tora tora 6 moi vataru reyadi.There were six very big stone water jars placed vava renaunspec. comp. formacceptAmiye yokoi maka di nitourage rena ago tora amiye rofu moi vava ga re.Do not accept just one person's accusation against an vava rinaunspec. comp. formwarm (up)Ini rovaita moi vava rigi ita adinari are regamadi.They were standing in front of the fire to warm their vegu renaunspec. comp. formsaveUna rofu uni tuma vene iya resi una moi vegu rego.He will fight for us against our enemies and save vegu rinaunspec. comp. formsave, redeem, make alive/flourish.Amiye be bi moi vegu riyo, idu iniye bi makai anua rego!He saved others, but he cannot do the same for himself!Vegu yabo moi roko risi roko yabo moi vegu rigida.I will make the living tree dry and cause the dry tree to vegu rina amiyeunspec. comp. formredeemer, saviour.Sei, una moi vegu rina amiye di ago gira fafau mina moimai na maro.God, our Saviour gave me this work in addition to his venaunspec. comp. formfondle, caress erotically, commit adultery.Ina yaku na moi veyo.She caressed voruvoru renaunspec. comp. formshake offEkama moisi moi voruvoru re.Take the mat and shake it (to get the dust off).moi yau ninaunspec. comp. formbecome weakBi ini uka di mokena moi yau nina dudu, bi makai kana ofa sei nivakegi maradi iruku irigika rofu egira rego ba ide?He, with a weak conscience, will he thus be encouraged to eat food offered to idols?moi yau renaunspec. comp. formsoften, weaken.Aforo iye itari vakisi moi yau regiya.Warm custard apple leaves and soften yau rinaunspec. comp. formweaken, make weak.Amiye kaere di uka vari gira moi yau riyadi, mina moi buoru ridedi.They lead astray people whose faith is weakened and their hearts are full of yeiva renaunspec. comp. formirritate, frustrate, exasperate, annoy, make upset/mad/angry.Na moi yeiva ga re.Don't cause me to be yoga rinaunspec. comp. formmake laughNa moi yoga rido.It makes me yokoi rinaunspec. comp. formmake one, join.Sei yaku moi gogo risi moi yokoi maka riyo.God has joined them together making them yova rinaunspec. comp. formjoin, bring in, win over.Yau niyadi vene rofu yau nina amiye kana niyaka, ye yau niyadi vene moi yova rigida dada.Among the weak in faith I become weak like one of them, in order to win them yovade rinaunspec. comp. formtame, domesticate.Idu amiye yokoi yaku amiye di afiye moi yovade rigi auna rego.But no one has ever been able to tame the tongue.