heɓindaade v1Frntenir bien ou fermementEngto hold something securely; tightly;Heɓinda boggol ngol faa wooɗa.FrnTiens bien cette corde.EngHold this rope securely.Synonymsdanyude 1jogaade 12Frnavoir des richesses et bien les garderEngto have riches and to hold them securely;O heɓindeke e jawdi makko faa wooɗi.FrnIl garde bien ses richesses.EngHe takes good care of his possessions.3Frns'en occuper de sa vie sans aide extérieureEngto be ready or prepared to deal with life's problems without resorting to looking elsewhere for help;Hasan, kam ɓuri sakiraaɓe muuɗum fuu heɓindaade, sabo si rafo waɗii fu, wo kanko tiigotoo ɓe fuu.FrnHassan est bien préparé plus que ses frères, car s'il y a une famine c'est lui qui va les nourrir.EngHasan is more prepared than all of his brothers because if there is a famine it is he who will feed them.ComparejawdiSynonymsbaanaadeheginaadelalindaadesegilaadesiriyaade

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