4.1.1. Kinship

asebaʔá̰səbàaseduman.maternal uncle4.1.1KinshipA/BA
ba'1báʔba'duman.father; elderly man (Booni, Nabt, Talnɛ)syn12Person4.1.1KinshipA
biabíiabiisi, kɔman.child, offspring of a human being. The regular pl. 'biisi' is used to mean "children" in the Booni, Nabt and Talnɛ varieties and in compounds forming clan names.synviibega2Person4.1.1KinshipKA/SIkɔma
bidɔgeregabì'dɔ̀ɣerəgabidɔgeresin.one's own child4.1.1KinshipKA/SI
biisibíihin. pl.1children (Booni, Nabt, Talnɛ).Biisi la diti mɛ the children are eating. 2offspring, descendants of a known ancestor. Atoobiisiname of a clan, "descendants of Atoo".4.1.1KinshipSI
bipugelabì'púgəlàbipugeton.female child, girl child; daughterA bipugela ele mɛ.his daughter is married.2Person4.1.1Kinship
buuri1búuribɔan.1kin, kinsmen, kin group, clan.4.1.1Kinship2tribe, ethnic groupDI/'A
dakiadá'kɩ́ɩadakiiban.brother-in-law4.1.1KinshipA/BAdasɛa (Nankani)
dasɛadà'sɛ́adasiiban.brother-in-law (Nankani usage).4.1.1KinshipA/BAdakia (Bolga, Booni)
deodéodeton.1roomA mɛ la deo.he built a room.6.5Building2a woman's set of rooms in a compound house. Ma boi la n ma deo puan.I am in my mother's rooms.3clan. Traced patrilineally, i.e. through the father, and composed of several households. Tuma la bama de la deo.we and they are from one clan.4.1.1Kinship4class, level, stage in learning.A boi la do kuyila.she is in class one.3.1Teach and learnKU/TUyiredeego, duo
dɛɛmadɛ̀ɛmadɛɛnduman.in-law; parent, aunt or uncle of one's spouse; also son-in-law4.1.1KinshipA
dɛɛmpɔkadɛ̀ɛm'pɔ́kadɛɛmpɔgesin.man's mother-in-law, wife's mother.4.1.1KinshipKA/SI
dɛɛndaadɛ̀ɛn'dáadɛɛndaasin.a man's father-in-law, wife's father, paternal uncle.4.1.1KinshipKA/SI
dɛɛmbudaadɛ̀ɛm'bʋ'̀dáa, dɛ̀ɛn'bʋ̀ráadɛɛmbudaasin.wife's father4.1.1KinshipKA/SI
dɔgeradɔ́ɣəradɔgereban.one's parents, any parent.4.1.1Kinship
isega1ʔɩ̀həgaisin.one's sister's child; niece, nephew.4.1.1KinshipKA/SI
kɔmakɔ̀ma̰n. pl.children, offspring of a human being.4.1.1KinshipBAbia
kɔnlɛmakɔ̰̀n'lɛ́ma̰n. pl.reincarnated childrensynbilemene2Person4.1.1KinshipDI/'Abilemene
ma2mà̰maduman.1mother2Person4.1.1Kinship2a spirit or god acquired from one's mother's family line.4.5Religion
mabiamà̰'bíàmabiisin.kin, relative4.1.1KinshipKA/SI
mayaabamà̰'yáabamayaabeduman.grandmother, great-grandmother2Person4.1.1Kinship
nabianà'̰bíanabiisin.member of the royal family2Person4.1.1KinshipKA/SI
nyi'irɛɲɩ̰́ʔɩ̰rɛnyi'iran.one's immediate younger sibling, brother or sister who follows you immediately in order of birth.4.1.1KinshipDI/'Ayibega
posɛapò'sɛ́aposɛpa, posiiba, pokiiban.sister-in-law, husband's or wife's sister4.1.1KinshipA/BAdasɛa, dɛɛma
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