
The dictionary is arranged in alphabetical order. There are 32 letters. No proper names are included in the main dictionary, but the names of the months and days, as well as the numbers, appear in separate sections at the end of the book. The introductory pages describe the main features of the dictionary and explain how to best use it.

A Ã B  Ɖ Dz E Ɛ Ɛ̃ F G Gb H I Ĩ K Kp
L M N Ny Ŋ O Ɔ Ɔ̃  R S T Ts U Ũ W Y

Ɛgbɛ́-ɔma-kíkã̀ ŋa


A a ayà ‘peigne’
à ã ɛdzã ‘poisson’
B b bɛ̀tɛ̀ ‘couteau’
Ɖ ɖ ɖíɖì ‘ceinture’
Dz dz dzídzɛ ‘nourriture’
E e egi ‘arbre’
Ɛ ɛ ɛyɛ ‘oiseau’
Ɛ̃ ɛ̃ ìgbɛ̃̀ ‘sauterelle’
F f fífílìfí ‘hérisson’
G g gɔ̀ŋgɔ̀ ‘crochet’
Gb gb gbògbó ‘hippopotame’
H h ɔ̀hà ‘cochon’
I i itsu ‘igname’
Ĩ ĩ atsĩ ‘cheval’
K k kɔ̀lɔ̀kɔ̀lɔ̀ ‘genette’
Kp kp kpàkàlà ‘bois fourchu’
L l lalá ‘vache’
M m maɖé ‘enfant’
N n iná ‘feu’
Ny ny nyànɖórì ‘terrine’
Ŋ ŋ aŋáŋá ‘varan’
O o oɖó ‘mortier’
Ɔ ɔ ɔwɔ̀ ‘balai’
Ɔ̃ ɔ̃ ìkpɔ̃ ‘louche’
R r ìrɛ̀ ‘cigale’
S s sòrò ‘tamis’
T t tìmátì ‘tomate’
Ts ts ìtsà ‘gourde’
U u òkúkú ‘chapeau’
Ũ ũ ekũkũ ‘os’
W w wɔ̀rɔ̀ ‘chaîne’
Y y àyàyà ‘papillon’

Il faut noter que la lettre P (p) s’emploie très rarement en ifè, alors elle ne figure pas dans l’alphabet. Dans le dictionnaire elle se trouve après la lettre Ɔ̃ (ɔ̃) et avant la lettre R (r).