Noun forms

Singular and Plural Nouns


There are three ways that nouns have singular and plural forms.  They can add a suffix to the singular form as in tin ‘witchdoctor’.  They can add a suffix to the plural form as in dirani ‘bracelets’.  They can also add suffixes to both the singular and plural form as in dïïn ‘bird’ and dïïr ‘birds’.


Three ways of forming singular and plural nouns
Singular suffix Root Plural suffix
-nä/ ṭin ṭir ṭir witchdoctor
/-ni dira dira dirani bracelet
-n/-gä dïïn dïïr- dïïr bird


The following are the most common singular suffixes.


Singular suffixes
Root vowel
change ? Singular Plural
-nä/ no 11 ṭin ṭir witchdoctor
-ccan/ no 4 päkcan päk sorghum
-n/ no 1 men me person
-nnä/ no 1 ṭin ṭir witchdoctor


The following are the most common plural suffixes.


Plural suffixes
  Root vowel  
  change ? Singular Plural  
/-ni no 86 dira dirani bracelet
/-kkä[1] possible 63 ñaal ñal rain
/-gä possible 34 wïïl wïl tail


The following are the most common singular and plural combinations of suffixes.


Combination suffixes
Root vowel
change ? Singular Plural
-n/-gä possible 21 dïïn dïïr bird
-nä/-gä possible 13 äw äw bone
-n/-kkä possible 10 en er fruit type
-gon/-gï possible 8 wuuygon wüüy guide
-gon/-kkä possible 7 kiingon kiin slave
-nä/-dï no 6 kaay kaay clan
-con/-cäŋgä possible 4 meeṭon meeṭäŋgä bridge of nose
-an/-gä possible 4 ŋiiran ŋiir rib
-ccan/-kkä possible 4 deycan dey flower
-tñan/-gä possible 4 keyñan key gourd
-nä/-daŋŋi no 4 kïïmmu kïïmdaŋŋi heart
-n/-gä possible 4 lään lääy animal
-nañ/-gä possible 3 yimmañ yïm blood
-on/-in no 3 wäädon wäädin witchdoctor
-ñ/–kkä possible 3 wiñ wit head
-ñä/-kkä no 2 muuṭṭu muurku string belt, waist cloth
-ccan/-kkï no 2 ïïlcan ïïl charcoal
-ccan/-cäŋgä possible 2 bïïccan bïcäŋgä root
-don/-däŋgä no 2 umdon umduŋgu nose
-gon/-gä possible 2 ṭääŋgon ṭääŋ locust
-añ/-gä possible 2 ḍäräŋ ḍäräŋ palate, upper mouth
-ñä/-jï possible 2 äwñä äw procupine
-nä/-kkä possible 2 nïïn nïïn day
-ṇan/-gä possible 2 wiṇṇan win rope
-ṇan/-gä possible 2 guṇṇan guygu stone
-l/-kkä possible 2 yiil yir field, farm
-ccä/-cäŋgä possible 2 küc kutuŋgu cc → c

[1] The suffix –kkä, –ccan, -ṭṭä may have doubled consonants in the underlying form. The plural suffix –kkä results in a different surface form after root-final n in nkä ‘villages’ than the plural suffix –does in jengä ‘trees’. Also, the plural suffix –kkä results in a different surface form after root-final r in erkä ‘fruit type’ than the ovs present suffix –does in yoorgu ‘sees’. Also compare the plural suffix –kkä after root-final c in ïckä ‘spoon’ with the ovs present suffix –in icä ‘take’. Because the plural suffixes and OVS present suffix may have different underlying forms, they are listed with different spelling –kkä and –so that they can be more easily distinguished in this book.