Browse Kankanaey – English



balílisNounDrum, as a fifty-gallon drum.baril
balilisóNounKingfisher; any of the family Alcedinidae.spectítit
balillikóNounLand snail.See alsoagódongbissókolgíngaket-ánkigóngkombíbi1liddégtogíngging
balín1Adjectivema-To be possible, able.Adí mabalín ay man-anák tan nabakés.She is not able to bear children because she is an old woman.
balín2Active Verb1man-To turn into, become, as boy turning into bird, cloth changing color from dirt.Manbalínak et si káag.I will now turn into a monkey.See alsobáliw3bedáy 2bolíwlomán3ngádan2man-To turn over as when sleeping.3-enTo turn something over.Baliném san bató.Turn over that rock.See alsobalíktad 3balílingbalógsideppáslakob-óólinósongpolig-ádsowát 1sowát 2
bálinActive Verb1man-To travel, take a trip.2i-To take along on a trip.Way nowáng ay inbálin da, adí da inpáyag.There was a carabao they took along on the trip, they didn't leave it behind.
balínaNounDrill.speclamintáSee alsotalibosyónbarina
balintoóganNoun1Boulder too big to be moved.Wáday ábong ay inámag da sin labáw di balintoógan.There is a hut that they constructed on top of the huge boulder.See alsobatódalip-éydaoplákígang2Oldest man in town (implies wisdom as well as age).Say balintoógan di Napsong.He is the oldest man of Napsong.
bal-ísActive VerbTo take from someone, as a shovel; to take over another's position, responsibilities, or wealth, as by inheritance or election to office.
bálit1NounAnimal with stripes, as a cat; animal of mixed colors, esp. dog, cow.2Adjectivena...anStriped, as a cat; of mixed colors, esp. dog, cow.See alsoásobélewlabánglibóngngétittíwel(nabalítan)
balitbítActive Verbman-To crackle, of a fire.See alsokaníbotkanítikanitkítkaníyas
balitókNounGold.See alsogambáng2ismáylandókpalátasisím
bal-íwActive Verb-en, i-To sing the Ibaloi mourning song.Bal-íwen da din natéy, tan say ogálin di Ibaloi.They sing the mourning song for the dead, because that's the Ibaloi custom.See alsobayyóg 2bontági 1dagóday-éngeyáey 2kansiyón 2lang-áylay-óslóngdo
báliw1Active Verb-anTo drive away, drive off, as animals, people, spirits.Balíwam din manók Espirita ta adí da makikán sin manók mi.Drive off Espirita's chickens so they don't eat with our chickens.See alsobáabag-én 2ey 4motadsóoblántistolóng 2
báliw2Active Verb-omi-3, i...anTo defend, protect, stick up for.Ibalíwam anák mo sin makmakedsé mo magáy básol na.Defend your child from a naughty/malicious person if he (the child) has (committed) no crime.
báliw31Active Verbman-To change in appearance, as a decomposing corpse, a person who loses weight.2Active Verb-anTo change, as one's ways.Adí ka balbalíwan ogálim.Don't be changing your behavior.3Stative verbma-To be changed in appearance.
balíyang1NounMenstrual flow.2Active Verbman-To menstruate.
balkégNounFive centavos.specpilák
bálkotActive Verb-en, i-To wrap up in a bundle.Balkótem kod din nay patátas.Please wrap up these potatoes.Ibalkót mi ay balát.We will wrap it up in banana leaves.Synonymbongén
ballalóng1Adjectivema-Sloping downward, as a trail.2Active Verbman-, i-To go, take downhill.anttíkid
ballasáNounCamouflaged noose laid on a trail and attached to bent sapling, designed for wild chickens.See alsoappédbáwebayádangbotíllanekíkkátigpadáwangpangngátipasángantáwangtod-áw
ballasíNounSnare for wild pigs and chickens consisting of noose laid on platform, which collapses when stepped on, suspending the catch.See alsoátebbagídaybáisbítoebéng 3ótibsaltóktalláod 3tapántipál