Browse Kankanaey – English



balláyNounSpecies of wild plant.
ballayáNounPlacenta, of animals.
ballíkog1NounTrick, prank.Man-ámag tas ballíkog.Let's do a prank.2Active Verbi...anTo play a prank on someone.Ibalikógana din ib-á na et owát nasangáw, tan kanána en way nígay, akambáw natobáan.He played a prank on his fellow and he was just needlessly diverted, because he said there were fish, but come to find out they were poisoned.See alsobayanggódawkal-ín1 2kiwésliwéslóko2
balliwángNounFront yard.
ballóNounSweet potato garden made around the month of March.specnom-á
baló1NounUnmarried young man.2AdjectiveNew.antdáan3Active Verb-anTo renovate, restore to its former condition, as a filled-in ditch.4AdjectiveHandsome.
bal-óAdverb-inm-, + naTo be utterly necessary; to have no other choice.Binmal-ó ay patíem.You have no choice but to believe it.Bal-ó na ay siyát sik-á di eméy tan magáy odóm si mabáa.It is utterly necessary that it must be you who goes because there is no one else who can be sent.(binmal-ó, bal-ó na)
bálod1NounPrisoner.2Active Verb-om-3, -en, i-To tie up, confine, put in jail.See alsoalistáldepápkenálaw-át
balógsi1Active Verbman-, -enTo somersault, flip over.2Stative verbma-To be partially flipped or bent over, as a few pages of a book, clothes spread to dry but flipped partially over by the wind.
balónbonActive Verb-enTo pull something across a body of water on a rope, as a cow.See alsoagádangbáteybay-ótangbínatdánglagaláladgóygoygóyodkagáling 2langtáypakdápékeng 1sallikáotsoddadéng
balongábingNounRooster's comb.See alsomillát
bálotNounWire.See alsoalámnikáwaltininggál
balótiNounWindowsill; threshold.
banáag1NounGlow, reflected light.2Active Verbman-To gleam brightly, esp. of light reflected from a large fire or city in the distance.linkdídi
bánag1Active Verb1-om-2To produce heat or fever, as sickness, fire, red-hot poker.Din sakít, bománag.Sickness, it produces fever.2-en, -an, i-To heat, warm up something, as drumhead, cooked food, wet clothes, by placing close to fire or in sun.Ibánag mo din solíbaw ta makelténg.Warm up the drum so it will be taut.3i...anTo heat up for someone, of a piece of fat for sick person, taken from animal butchered to effect his healing.Ibanágan das lamít, así da ibnóng.They heat up a piece of fat for him, then they offer it with a ritual prayer.See alsoanídodadáng 2lepá 2nagnágóto
bánag2NounThing, topic, theme, as to teach people many things.Ibagám mo intóy bánag din kalí na.Tell what topic his words are about.
bánag31NounMeaning, explanation.2Active Verb-an, i-To explain.Banágana din kinalí na, tan kamán pangárig.He will explain what he said, because it's like a parable.See alsobalikásólog 2
bananáagActive Verbman-To gleam very brightly, as above.
banátbatActive Verbman-To feel grainy when chewed, as if there were little bits of hard or rubbery material, as cow udder, fat of old hog, large eel, just ripening baláyang banana.
ban-áwNounPool, wide place in river.
banbánNounSplit wild bamboo.See alsoánesbíkakawáyan 2
bandálaNounWhite blanket with black vertical stripes along center and edge, traditionally used by younger or poor people.specgaléy
ban-égAdjectiveSmaller in size (used only as a comparative).CVC banban-ég
banéngNounRaised border of terraced field, which serves as a path.Pakpákam din banéng di payéw.Plug the leaks in the border of the paddy field.