Browse Kankanaey – English



déamNounRainy season.See alsotiyágew
déasActive Verbi-To pound thoroughly so that no unhusked grains remain.antségi2specbáyo
dedáAdverbStill, yet.Ay dedá kayó baw sin sáad yo?So you're still in your same position?Synonymdedánanéng
dedánParticleObviously, of course, as you should know (implies that something is or should be common knowledge).Lin-gém mo dedán, isónga naikadós ka.Bakén kostó ay dispidída, tan mantaóli kayó pay dedán.You were hurrying of course, that's why you fell.It’s not an actual farewell party, because of course you will return. Particles of Emphasis
dédeActive Verb1-enTo displace, drive before one, as beaters drive game on a hunt, flood water sweeps fish downstream, new settlers displace original inhabitants.Nadéde din Ilongot sin dontóg.The Ilongots were displaced to the mountains.Din éwang di nanéde sin nígay.The floodwater is what swept the fish downstream.Dedéem bisáang ta omális na.Drive the pig ahead of you so that it comes here.2i-To push to one side, as a table to clean underneath.See alsoáboayéddendén 2dikdíkhoykibíkib 1kiw-ángkotíwtiwlas-ípaklínsadí 2selégsokát 2sos
deg-ákActive Verbman-To give a cough, as to get someone's attention.See alsodog-ólgaldádekíkegok-óksáek 2tékak
degés1Adjectivema-Hard, of rain.(madgés)2Active Verbman-, -om-1To rain hard, pour rain.Dinmegedegés si ad-adó ay ágew.It continued to rain hard for many days.See alsogenáw 2gisámoygiyam-ókmigísodánpogés
degíNounRice husk.Olnóngen yon degí yo ta idawát takó sin manók.Gather up your rice husks so we can give them to the chickens.Synonymteg-áp
dekákActive Verb-enTo scare chickens.
dekéStative verbma-To congeal, dry, harden, as blood, paint, frozen things.
dekílNounRice that sticks on the bottom of the pan.
dekíngActive Verb1man-To sit next to each other.2i-To set beside.
dekkánNounLevel, flat area; small plateau.See alsoalnápbay-ó1 2daykóngpeténg 2piyá 1sígedsiyáyapyáp1 2
deknápActive Verbi-To lay flat against another surface.
deláwActive Verb-om-3, -enTo sense, suddenly notice, become aware of.Dinláw ko ay wáday manginengnéng en sak-én.I became aware that someone was staring at me.See alsobetág2bolinásnas 1bóyaílalangáliknámedyát 1nengnéngosdóngpannásegédsin-éngtámangtángad 2yóngo 1
delémStative verbma-To be bruised.See alsogalabgábgoblídkísilkoplát 2lopsák(madlém)
demámActive Verbi-To lay something against.Idmám da din bató sin kinát di éweg et sopsópana din gíta.They lay the stone against the snakebite and it draws out the poison.See alsodeknáp
demáng1locativeOn the other side of a valley, river or other barrier, in the visible distance.2Active Verb-enTo cross to the other side of something, as a river.Demangén takón gináwang, así takó domaténg ed Sagpat.Let's cross to the other side of the river, then we will get to Sagpat.3Active Verbi-To take someone or something to the other side.See alsobas-íldagás1idmáng
demékNounAny undesirable small object, as litter, dirt in food, fly in coffee.Sánay demék sin kalolóya.There's some litter in the dirt.
dénatAdjectivema-Refreshing, good-feeling, as the sun on a cold day, shade, rice vinegar.Madmadénat íman san soyósoy.That breeze certainly feels good.See alsolamíis
dendénActive Verb1-om-1, i-To shift position, move over.Demendén kas na.Move over here.Adí ka makadendén en sak-én.You can't move me over.2-enTo help go down, as something swallowed, by taking a drink.Siyátak man-inóm si kapí ta dendenéna din innapóy.I have to drink coffee to help the rice go down.See alsoáboayéddéde 2dikdíkhoykibíkib 1kiw-ángkotíwtiwlas-ípaklínsadí 2selégsokát 2sos
denét1Active Verbi-, i...anTo sacrifice a chicken to ensure a good crop, esp. if preceding harvest was poor; (Chicken is offered to the kabonyán of the soil.).Mo lawá ay págey, siyát idnetán.If the rice was poor, a chicken must be sacrificed for it.linkpódongSee alsobaténges-esétliyáwsekéb
denét2Active Verb1man-To squeeze tightly together, as group of people having their picture taken.Mandedednét kayó kod.Please squeeze together.2i-, pan...enTo place right beside, with no interval between.Idnét mo din sidá sin innapóy.Place the side dish right beside the rice.Nan-asiipkét da a, tan nandedenetém íman.Of course they all stuck together, because you put them right next to each other.
dengáw1NounCultivated plant, a small piece of which, when dried, is sometimes pinned to the clothing of small children (as at a funeral) to prevent the spirit of the dead from talking to them.2Active Verbman-, -an, i-To promise to offer a spirit the sacrifice it demands only upon the sick person's recovery; (The one saying the prayer often chews a small piece of dengáw and then places it on the head of the sick one.).Idngáw yo kod ta adí damdamás ay-ayyó.Please make a conditional promise to sacrifice it to the spirits so it won't be wasted, for Pete's sake.See alsoaníto 2bas-íng 2dílosdódo2ládo 3lága2obáya 2pakdé 4pakedlánpótoksápo4selmengánsengílsingíltopngáltop-óy