Browse Kankanaey – English



énab1NounRice used for seed.See alsobin-íbontiyá 2bótilbowángamót 2pásel
énab21Active Verbmang-To rise, of water level.2Stative verbma...anTo be risen, of water level.Naenában din gináwang.The river has risen.See alsodáyakayáng 5kin-áspátag 1
enátActive Verb1man-To draw back, as a snake; to return for one night to its former master, of a dog after being borrowed by someone else; to draw back, as after peeking.2-enTo pull outEntém san gayáng.Pull out that spear.(entén, innát)3ma-To withdraw, pull out, as a weapon or sliver from a wound, a post from the ground, a person from a deep pit.Oknótem ta way iyát na ay man-át.Pull it out so it has a way to be withdrawn.See alsobenátókitoknótoksót(man-át)
eng1NounNose, esp. of people.See alsosóngsong2Stative verbma...anTo have a long or prominent nose.See alsoalonsódanmakmák1tígil(naéngan)
eng-átActive Verb-enTo remove from the fire, as a pot.Ay ineng-át mon bánga?Did you remove the pot from the fire?Eng-átem nas awní a, mo maóto.Be sure to remove this from the fire in a little while, when it's cooked.antsáang
engégActive Verb-om-1To become thicker, bushier, of leaves or branches.(emngég)
éngegNounSound, noise, of bus, machine.See alsoitlíngkáengkanídongkikinbékikinbóongpotíkpotóktabé1tanektéktolílik
enggán1ExclamationNever mind.See alsobiyáng12AdverbSuggests an alternative course of action; sometimes equivalent to “Why not...instead?” or “It might be better if...”.“Ay manlobwát ta ay dágos?” “Enggán si bigát a, ta así ta eméy.”“Shall we leave immediately?” “Why not tomorrow instead, then we will go?”
enggán moConjunctionEven if, even though.Enggán mo kanám sa, bakén met tet-éwa.Even though you say that, it is definitely not true.
enggánaAdverbUntil, up to, of points in space or time.See alsosípod
éngitStative verbma...anTo be decorated, adorned.Kamán kan naengítan si láwin di kawwítan.It's as if you are adorned with a rooster songs, not conversation.
éngliStative verbma-To be spoiled, of broth.
engngánExclamationLook at this! said to draw attention to something a person has obtained or found, such as a coin, catch of fish.See alsoadó2alláanáayé 2daétandaké 2emáneywo
éngpis1Active Verb-om-1To become thinner, as a piece of wood being whittled.(eméngpis)2Stative verbma-Thin, as cloth, paper, a book, skin.antsedéSee alsoapílasbígotbóngawbosláybotyóg 2kingáw2kíngking1 1kóyas 3laméslamít 3págastabatsóyyápitlep-ís
énitAdjectiveka- + CVHaunted.Maénit din beéy, din beták, din poón di káiw.Houses, ravines, the bases of trees are haunted.See alsobánigkadwákakkádingmangaánipintén(kaeénit)
épa1Active Verb-om-2To cause to be dirtied.Din mag-ás ay págit, say emépa.The soot that falls, that's what causes things to be dirtied.2Stative verbmai-To fall onto or into something and dirty it.Maiépa ed dallém.It will fall into and dirty what is below.3Stative verbma...anTo be dirtied by something falling onto or into it from above.
epásActive Verb1-om-1To leave the nest, of birds, chickens.(ompás)2-enTo remove from the nest; to take or get something down, as rice from the rack above the fire.En ka man-epás sin págey.Go take down the rice.3statleave nest; take from nest; take downSee alsobabá 4babáwi 2ballalónggosádkesép 2kombabápapas-ádpognósadsád2sónaysonódtad-ótotóyo(map-ás)
epéNounCongealed, hardened, thickened blood, cooked or not.specdadá
epéd1AdjectiveEnough, often with implication more than enough, as food, advice.Epéd na abé sas inbagák si ibalbalín mo.What I said was enough to make you turn in your sleep.2Active Verb-om-1To fit, as clothes, object into a space.Ipádas mo kod mo empéd en sik-á.Please try it (to see) whether it will fit you.
epéngActive Verb1-enTo include all of a given group in an action, as distributing wine at a feast.Inpéng na ay mankedáw si loktó.He requested sweet potatoes from everyone there.(epngén, inpéng)2i-To give something to all of a given group.Man-iskowíla din babbabái ay maip-éng da sin inag-ágew.All the women attend classes every day.(ip-éng, inip-éng)
ep-épActive Verb-an, i-To cover, lay something over, of relatively small areas, as a book.Ep-épam din bánga mo magáy sakóbo na.Lay something over the pot if it has no lid.Din tóbon di balát, say aláem ta say iep-ép mo.Banana leaves, that's what you are to get to use as a cover.antloksíSynonymbonbónep-épSee alsoap-ápkaléb 2kópop 2kótob 2lakóbolemám 2nakkamáómomópopsakóbo 2
epésActive Verb1ma-To shrink, go flat, as an inflated ball, tire, swelling.Nap-és góman di bas.The bus tire went flat.(empés)2-enTo flatten, as by removing air.See alsoes 3ítopkesén1kesét1(epsén)